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http://www.100md.com 2020年7月1日 《新医学》 202007
     【摘要】 胆总管异物是指医源性或非医源性的异物进入胆总管内并造成一系列临床症状的罕见疾病。该文报道1例胆总管异物的诊治过程,该患者既往有胆囊切除术史,主要表现为上腹痛,入院后行影像学等检查,误诊为胆总管结石,行内镜逆行胰胆管造影术后取出进入胆总管的Hem-o-lok夹异物。该文对既往报道的类似病例进行总结,以提高对此类疾病的认识,减少漏诊和误诊。

    【关键词】 胆总管异物;内镜逆行胰胆管造影;胆总管结石

    【Abstract】 The foreign body of the common bile duct is a rare disease in which an iatrogenic or non-iatrogenic foreign body enters the bile duct and causes a series of clinical symptoms. In this article, the diagnosis and treatment of one case of foreign body of the common bile duct were reported. The patient had a medical history of cholecystectomy and was mainly manifested as upper abdominal pain. After admission ......
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