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http://www.100md.com 2021年3月25日 新医学 2021年第3期



    Etiology and current treatment of glottic web Wu Yong, Fan Guokang. Department of Otorhinolary-ngology, Tongxiang First Peoples Hospital, Tongxiang 314500, China

    Corresponding author, Fan Guokang, E-mail: 2193030@ zju. edu. cn

    【Abstract】With the persistent development of minimally invasive laryngeal technology in China, the indications of microendoscopic surgeries for laryngeal diseases, such as transoral CO2 laser and low-temperature plasma, have been constantly expanded. The number of patients undergoing microendoscopic surgery has been increased year by year. Consequently, otolaryngologists have attached more and more importance to the prevention and treatment of secondary vocal cord adhesion. Therefore, in this article, the current situation and progress on the treatment strategies of vocal cord adhesion in China in recent years were reviewed ......

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