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http://www.100md.com 2021年6月22日 新医学 2021年第6期



    Research progress on effect of spinal anesthesia and Apelin on blood pressure and blood glucose Cui Haiying, Fan Junbai, Ma Ruiying, Wen Miaomiao. Department of Anesthesiology, the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 031001, China

    Corresponding author, Fan Junbai, E-mail: fjb1971@ 163. com

    【Abstract】Spinal anesthesia can inhibit the stress response of the body to surgical pulling and other stimulation due to the blockage of the sympathetic nerve. Meantime, it can also reduce the secretion of adrenal cortical hormone, thyroxine and catecholamine, and lead to the fluctuations of the blood glucose level. Sympathetic block can induce the dilatation of peripheral veins, decrease the blood return and lead to hypotension. As an endogenous ligand of angiotensin Ⅱ type 1 receptor-associated protein (APJ) ......

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