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http://www.100md.com 2021年8月20日 新医学 2021年第8期

    【摘要】造血干细胞移植是目前唯一能治愈重型β地中海贫血的方法,但移植难度大,移植失败后再次移植风险更大,如何改进预处理方案提高移植成功率尚无定论,该文报道了1例接受非血缘HLA全相合供者造血干細胞移植术后发生原发排斥并接受二次移植成功患儿。该例患儿被确诊为Pesaron分度Ⅲ度的重型β地中海贫血,首次接受非血缘HLA全相合供者造血干细胞移植术,移植失败,原发排斥,自身造血恢复后1年再次接受另一非血缘HLA全相合供者外周血干细胞移植术。二次移植前30 d予氟达拉滨联合地塞米松免疫抑制治疗,调整预处理方案,并输注骨髓间充质干细胞促进植入。二次移植后患儿获得稳定植入,完全脱离输血状态至35个月,发生肺炎1次,无其他并发症。该例治疗结果提示,移植前予氟达拉滨联合地塞米松抑制受者T淋巴细胞功能可促进植入。减低强度预处理方案,辅助输注骨髓间充质干细胞促进造血重建,可以克服非血缘外周血干细胞移植治疗重型β地中海贫血的原发排斥,促进二次移植成功。


    Immunotherapy bridging secondary unrelated peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for severe thalassaemia: a case report and literature review Que Liping, Xu Honggui, Zhan Liping, Li Xinyu, Fang Jianpei, Huang Shaoliang, Huang Ke. Department of Pediatrics, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510120, China

    Corresponding author, Huang Ke, E-mail:hke@mail. sysu. edu. cn

    【Abstract】Currently, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is the only approach to treat severe β-thalassemia. Nevertheless, this technology is highly challenging, and the risk of second transplantation is even higher after the failure of the first transplantation. How to improve the success rate of transplantation by modifying the pretreatment regime remains elusive. Here ......

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