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http://www.100md.com 2001年3月1日 《中国针灸》 2001年第3期
     (1.东南大学医学院附属中大医院针灸科,南京2100 09;2.南京中医药大学第二临床医学院)

    [摘 要] "心包经"是目前对手 厥阴经的通常提法,但是,在《灵枢·经脉》中却称为"心包络之脉",两者之间的差异是 较大的。通过对有关文献记载的对比分析,我们认为:"心包络"与"心包"是绝然不同的 两个概念。从解剖实际来看,"心包络"可能是心脏表面的血管,而"心包"是心脏外面的 包膜;从病理的角度来看,心血管疾病是心脏的最主要病变,而心包发生病变就相对少得多 。因此,手厥阴经在体内联系的是"心包络"而不是"心包"。

    [主题词] 心包经;心包络 

    Question about Pericardium Meridi an Zhang Jianbin,Wang Lingl ing(1.Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion,Dazhong Hospital Affiliated to Medical College of Dongnan Universit y,Nanjing 210009;*"2.The Second Clini cal M edical College of Nanjing University of TCM)

    [Abstract] At present the Pericardium Meridian is c ommonly called as Channel of HanD-Jueyin and it is called as Vessel of Pericardi um Collateral in the Miraculous Pivot .We hold from through comparative analy sis on relative literatures tha t Pericardium Collateral and the Peric ardium Meridi an are complete different two concepts.F r om the anatomicangle,the Pericardium Co llateral is possib ly vessels on the superface of the heart and the pericardium is the external mem bran e of the heart,from parthological angle, cardiovascular diseases are the mai nest pathologic change of the heart and path ologic changes of the pericardium are ve ry less.Therefore,link of the Channel of HanD-Jueyin in the body is the Pericard ium (TCM),but not Pericardium. ......

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