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http://www.100md.com 2001年7月1日 《中国针灸》 2001年第7期


    [摘 要] 方法:



    100例中痊愈85例,显效4例,有效1例,无效10例,总有效率90.0%。肾绞痛 症状消失,3个 月之内未再复发者95例。





    Observation on 100 Cases of Calcu lus of Urinary System Accompanied with R enal Colic Treated by Alternate Cupping Therapy

    Li Ping

    (Section of Acupuncture and Moxibu stion for Public Medical Care,Liaoning P rovince Peoples Hospital,Shenyang 11001 5)



    To observe therapeutic effect of cupping therapy on calculus of urinary system a ccompanied with renal colic.Meth ods Alternate cupping therapy wa s used for treatment of 100 cases of cal c ulus of urinary system accompanied with renal colic and ejection of the stone wa s observed with BUltroasonography. ......

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