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http://www.100md.com 2016年2月23日 《商业经济与管理》 2008年第7期
     State-controlled Commercial BanksHUANG Mei-chu(School of Economics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027,China)Abstract: Shareholding reform in state-owned commercial banks is a n efficient me asure to improve the financial competitiveness of China and cope with overall op en of finance industry. The paper, through the DEA model, makes an empirical ana lysis for the efficiency of three state-controlled commercial banks that have be en reformed, which concluded that the efficiency of state-owned commercial banksis obviously improved during and after reform. In addition, on the basis of ana lyzing the factors that may influence the efficiency of the state-owned commerci al banks, the reasons promoting the improvement of efficiency of state-owned com mercial banks are discussed from four respects such as macro economic factor, in dustry factor, basic characteristics of banks and other factors.

    Key words: state-controlled commercial banks;efficiency;joint-stoc k reform; data envelope analysis (DEA)

    (责任编辑 毕开凤), 百拇医药(黄美初)