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http://www.100md.com 2008年11月5日 《外语教学》 2008年第4期
     摘 要:时间不仅是一个物理学哲学问题,同时也是一个文化学概念。在人类的认知世界中,时间模式还是一种独特的语言世界图景模式。本文从俄汉语文字构造、有关体时的语法范畴以及表达时间意义的词汇三方面分析了中西时间观对汉俄语语言现象生成的影响及其在两种语言中的体现。

    关键词:时间观; 语言世界图景; 体范畴; 时间范畴

    中图分类号: H030文献标识码: A文章编号: 1000-5544(2008)04-0039-04


    Time is not only a concept connected with physics and philosophy—it is also a cultural concept. And in the human world, time model is also a unique cognitive model. This paper makes an analysis of the influence of Chinese time concept and Western time concept on the formation of Chinese and Russian writings, and the reflection of these two time concepts in Chinese and Russian from three aspects:the structure of Chinese and Russian words, the grammatical category about aspect and time, and expressions of time in Chinese and Russian.

    Key words: concept of time; cognitive model; aspect category;time category

    1. 时间问题的研究范畴

    时间首先是一个物理学哲学问题 ......

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