摘 要: 认知语言学认为,人们对每一事体的认知都是以认知域为背景或基体的,而传统语言学中的一个基本信条是名词在概念上是不可定义的。认知语法的奠基者Langacker对此观点提出置疑。他认为从概念上理解,名词标示事物。名词可数性的判断在于其勾画出的子域是否被识解为例示辖域中述义范围内的有界性(bounded)。除此之外,它们的区别还可以从同质性(homogeneity),可收缩性(contractibility)及可复制性(replicability)三个方面阐释。关键词: 认知域; 名词; 可数性
中图分类号: H030文献标识码: A文章编号: 1000-5544(2008)04-0043-04
Abstract: According to cognitive linguistics, every cognition is based on cognitive domain. However, it is a basic doctrine of modern linguistics that nouns cannot be notionally defined. Langacker, the founder of cognitive grammar, casts doubt on this doctrine and thinks that notionally nouns designate things. The fundamental distinction between count nouns and mass nouns depends on whether the profiled region is construed as being bounded within the scope of predication in its domain of instantiation. Their distinction can also be explained from the aspects of homogeneity, contractibility and replicability.
Key words: cognitive domain; noun; countability
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