摘 要:古典诗歌能够集中、深刻地反映出一个民族的审美情趣。日本古典诗歌的时间感分外强烈,热衷于表现瞬间的美感,日本人对时间的感受是过去、现在和将来的同一性。日本人认为死是人存在的固有状态,是生命的一部分,死在日本人眼中是积极的。日本古典诗歌不求境界的开阔,不注重空间的浩大与深邃,整体上流露出一股纤巧玲珑的气质。日本人对自然美和色彩美的感觉特别敏锐和纤细,含有丰富的艺术性。关键词:日本古典诗歌;时间感;生死观;空间感;自然观
中图分类号: I313.072文献标识码: A文章编号: 1000-5544(2008)04-0070-04
Abstract: Classical poetry is a concentrated and deep reflection of the aesthetic interest of a nation. Japanese classical poetry, with a strong sense of time, always demonstrates the instantaneous aesthetic feelings. Japanese feeling of time is the identity of past, present and future. Japanese regard death as an inherent state of human existence, a part of our lives. In Japanese eyes, death is positive. Rather than pursuing the broad artistic idea and emphasizing the wider and profound space, Japanese classical poetry reveals a fine, slim and delicate sense as a whole. Japanese sense of beauty toward nature and color is particularly sharp and delicate, with plenty of artistries. ......
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