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http://www.100md.com 2008年11月5日 《外语教学》 2008年第4期
     摘 要:文学翻译活动中,译者的前结构、语言等要素既使翻译理解成为可能,也对翻译理解具有规约作用。业已证明,译者的先有知识和传统对译文的生成样态具有定向预设作用,这反映了翻译活动的本然历史性;语言乃是作为此在的译者的存在方式,语言因素也必然对译文的生成式样具有显著规约作用,这反映了翻译活动的本然主体性。文学翻译是历史与当下、他者与自己、语言与存在等关系张力作用下的解释创作活动。


    中图分类号: H059文献标识码: A文章编号: 1000-5544(2008)04-0078-04

    Abstract: In literary translation, while translator’s fore-structure, language and other elements making translating possible, these elements also stipulate translating. It has been argued that translator’s previous knowledge and tradition presuppose the manifestation of target text, and that language in essence manifests translator’s state of being, and therefore stipulates the style of target text. The former reflects the inherent historicalness while the latter the innate subjectivity of translating. Literary translation is an interpretive activity under the intermingled tension between history and presence, other and self, and language and existence.

    Key words: fore-structure; language; target-text style; stipulation


    文学作品往往以其深刻而感性的鲜活言语 ......

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