摘 要:伽达默尔的视野融合与效果历史理论辩证地发展并优化了诠释学。该理论和艾柯诠释学中所强调的“所有诠释都是一种过渡诠释”的观点不谋而合;由此,给予了读者(诠释者)一个合法的地位。体现在翻译诠释里,由于翻译实践的跨文化和跨语言的特殊性,译文所承载的读者化程度及倾向也更为突出,表现为它既带有必然性又具有一定的必要性。关键词:诠释学;翻译;读者
中图分类号: H059文献标识码: A文章编号: 1000-5544(2008)04-0091-04
Abstract: In philosophical hermeneutics, Gadamer’s dialectic fusion of horizon and effective history happen to have the same view with Eco’s hermeneutic overinterpretaiton theory, which legalizes reader (as interpreter) in interpretation. In the same way, in translation interpretation, for its cross-culture and cross-language, translator, as interpreter and the first reader like the other common readers of the target text, plays both an objective and subjective role, showing the inevitable inclination of readerization in translation.
Key words: Hermeneutics; translation; reader
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