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http://www.100md.com 2008年11月5日 《外语教学》 2008年第4期
     摘 要:数字/词与同其他实词的模糊语义生成于人类思维的模糊性并具民族文化的特质。由数字/词与他类词搭配而构成的模糊语义生成出文化意象。唐诗中数字使用频率高且意蕴深厚,解读唐诗数字的模糊语义以及英译其模糊语义必须理清汉语数字本身的文化意象和数字运用于诗歌语篇中所生成的文化意象,同时考虑译语文化意象与原语文化意象的对等。本文运用模糊语义学的基本原理,通过对比原诗中摘句的文化蕴含与Witty Bynner的英译,讨论李白二诗中由数字模糊语义生成的文化意象的英译。

    关键词:数字模糊语义; 文化意象; 诗中数字英译解读

    中图分类号: H059文献标识码: A文章编号: 1000-5544(2008)04-0095-03

    Abstract:Numerals, as other notional words, possess some semantic fuziness, which results from the differences of thinking of mankind and the distinctions in cultures of nations. In fact, any pragmatic numerals are full of cultural images. Since the rate of using numeral itself and its collocation with other notional is extremely high in the poetry of the Tang Dynasty, we have to make clear the cultural images of numerals used in Chinese poems and also take into full consideration the equivalence of the cultural images of both the source language and the target language if we want to make a proper explanation of the Chinese numerals’ pragmatic meaning and translate them into English. According to the essence of fuzziness of natural language and by means of comparing the lines of Li Bai’s poems with their English versions, the author of the paper points out that there are inevitably some deficiencies in rendering cultural images of the source language in Witty Bynner translation. ......

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