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http://www.100md.com 2007年12月1日 《中国心理卫生杂志》 2007年第12期
     23 Peterson MR. At personal risk: Boundary violations in professional-client relationships. New York: Norton.1992.

    24 Bowman VE,Hatley LD,Bowman RL. Faculty-student relationships: The dual role controversy. Couns Educ Superv,1995,34:232-242.

    25 Lamb HD,Catanzaro SJ. Sexual and nonsexual boundary violations involving psychologists, clients,supervisees,and student: Implications for professional practice. ProfPsychol Res Pract,1988,29 :498-503.

    26 Smith D,Fitzpatrick M. Patient-therapist boundary issues: An integrative review of theory and research. Prof Psychol Res Pract,1995,25(5) :499-506.

    27 Schank JA,Skovholt TM. Dual-relationship dilemmas of rural and small-community psychologists. Prof Psychol Res Pract,1997,28:44-49.

    28 Catalano S. The challenges of clinical practice in small or rural communities: Case studies in managing dual relationships in & outside of therapy. J Contem Psychol,1997,27(1):23-35.

    29 Doyle K. Substance abuse counselors in recovery: Implications for the ethical issue of dual relationship. J Counsel Dev,1997,75:428-432.

    30 Lzarus AA. How certain boundaries and ethics diminish therapeutic effectiveness. EthicsBehav,1994,4:255-261.

    31 Kim BP, Anderson SC. Teaching ethical decisiong making using dual relationship principles. JSoc Work Educ,2005,41(3):495-510.


    2007-04-18收稿,2007-07-04修回, 百拇医药(李 扬 钱铭怡)
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