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http://www.100md.com 2008年1月1日 《中国心理卫生杂志》 2008年第1期
     【摘 要】 目的:根据ICD-10诊断标准,探讨中日两国神经症患者在患者构成和临床症状表现上的差异。方法:从北京大学精神卫生研究所收集神经症患者1414 例,东京慈惠会医科大学附属精神神经科门诊收集神经症患者943例。均从门诊病历中收集首诊神经症患者及其有关信息。以九州大学神经症症状评定量表为评定工具。结果:中国患者以焦虑性障碍最多(35%),其次是强迫性障碍(25.9%)。日本患者以严重应激反应及适应障碍的人群最多(32.8%),其次是焦虑性障碍(28.5%)。中国和日本首诊神经症患者的症状构成比都以焦虑症状为主,但日本首诊神经症患者焦虑症状比率高于中国患者(70.7%/65.1%,χ2=32.38, P2=6.42、6.83、P= 0.011、0.009)。中国患者的宗教性强迫症状、对称性与确认性强迫症状等比率高于日本患者(8.6%/1.3%,22.7%/10.0%,χ2=5.24、6.63,P=0.022、0.009)。中国患者的清扫和清洗、整理收拾症状比率低于日本患者(27.6%/40.0%,2.7%/12.5%,χ2=4.91、15.67,P=0.027、0.000)。中国患者的确认行为比率高于日本患者(43.5%/23.8%,χ2=10.87,P=0.001)。中国患者的回避(5.00%/0.53%, P=0.007)行为患者比率低于日本患者。中国患者的自伤行为、自杀企图、病理性购物等比率高于日本患者(5.3%/0,3.7%/0.38%,9.0%/3.5%,P=0.000、0.011、0.013)。中国患者的不愿上学/上班、消极倾向症状比率低于日本(0/3.85%,0/2.69%,P=0.006、0.024)。结论:中日两国神经症患者的疾病构成有所不同,可能与两国社会文化的差异有关。
, 百拇医药
    【关键词】 精神病学;病例对照研究;神经症;中国/日本;跨文化

    中图分类号:R749.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-6729(2008)001-0001-04

    Trans-cultural Comparative Research on Symptoms of Neuroses in China and Japan

    LIU Jian-Cheng1,CUI Yu-Hua 1,FANGMing-Zhao1,et al.

    1 Peking University Institute of Mental Health(The Sixth Hospital),Beijing 100083

    2 The Jikei University School of Medicine
, 百拇医药
    【Abstract】 Objectives:To explore the difference of neurotic symptoms and the component of neuroses between China and Japan using diagnostic criteria such as ICD.Methods:Two university hospitals were selected respectively from Beijing and Tokyo. Relevant information was gathered from neurotic outpatients using a particularly designed questionnaire. Kyushu University Scale for Neurosis was used as evaluation tools. Results:Totally, 2357 patients were investigated, of them 1414 in Beijing and 943 in Tokyo. In the newly diagnosed neurotic outpatients, the first two most common symptoms in Japanese patients were adjustment disorder (32.8%) and anxiety (28.5%), that of Chinese patients were anxiety disorder (35%) and obsessive disorder (25.9%), with a significant difference existing between two groups. The frequency of patients with Anxiety were significantly higher in Japan group than in China group(70.7% vs 65.1%,χ2=32.38,P2=6.42, 6.83,P=0.011、0.009), while religious obsession and obsession with need for symmetry or exactness were more common in Chinese group (8.6%/1.3%,22.7%/10.0%,χ2=5.24、6.63,P=0.022、0.009). Neurotic patients in Japanese group were more likely to have compulsive behaviors as cleaning and washing and ordering and arranging(40.0%/27.6%,12.5%/2.7%,χ2=4.91、15.67, P=0.027、2=10.87, P=0.001). Two groups also showed difference in problematic behavior, with more keeping-indoors(3.85%/0, χ2=7.20, P=0.007)in Japanese group and self-injuring in Chinese group (5.3%/0,P, 百拇医药(崔玉华 方明昭 黄菊坤 乔 红)
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