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http://www.100md.com 2008年3月1日 《中国心理卫生杂志》 2008年第3期
     9 Nikendeia C, Denglerb W, Wiedemann G, et al. Selective processing of painrelated word stimuli in subclinical depression as indicated by eventrelated brain potentials. Biol Psychol, 2005,70:52-60.

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    12 王妍,罗跃嘉. 大学生面孔表情材料的标准化及其评定. 中国临床心理学杂志,2005,13(4):396-398.

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    14 GouzoulisMayfrank E, Arnold S, Heekeren K. Deficient inhibition of return in schizophreniafurther evidence from an independent sample. Prog NeuroPsychopharmacol BiolPsychiatry, 2006,30: 42-49.

    15 舒华. 心理与教育研究中的多因素实验设计. 北京:北京师范大学出版社,2005.89-166.

    16 Teasdale J, Barnard P. Affect, Cognition and Change: ReModelling Depressive Thought. UK: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Ltd. Publishers,1993.114-132.

    17 Suslow T,DannlowskiU , LaleeMentzel J, et al .Spatial processing of facial emotion in patients with unipolar depression: a longitudinal study .J Affect Disord , 2004,83(1):59-63.


    2007-08-21收稿,2007-10-22修回, 百拇医药(戴 琴 冯正直)
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