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【摘要】 目的 了解小学生预防和控制道路交通伤害的干预效果,为预防和控制小学生道路交通伤害的发生,探讨有效控制策略和方法。方法 选取上海市虹口区2所小学为干预组,再选另2所小学为对照组。对干预组进行健康教育,为期1 a;对照组则不进行健康教育。在干预前后比较2组学生预防道路交通伤害的知识、近1周不良交通行为发生率以及1 a内交通事故发生率、交通伤害发生率。结果干预组干预后交通安全知识的答对率比干预前有显著上升(P<0.01);干预组干预后近1周不良交通行为发生率比干预前显著下降(P<0.05);干预组干预后近1 a交通事故发生率和交通伤害发生率比干预前显著下降(P值均<0.01);以上4项指标与对照组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);未发现交通安全知识与交通事故有统计学关联。结论 以学校为基础的综合性干预可以有效减少小学生交通伤害的发生。
【关键词】 事故,交通;创伤和损伤;干预性研究;知识;行为;学生
【中图分类号】 G 479 D 669.3 R 181.2 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)07-0780-04
Evaluation of Road Traffic Injury Intervention in Primary Schools in Shanghai/YAO Yu-hua*, CHEN Dao-yong, ZHOU Feng, et al.* Shanghai Hongkou District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai(200082), China
【Abstract】 Objective To study effects of a road traffic injury (RTI) intervention program for primary school students, and to provide evidence for the effective strategies. Methods Two primary schools in Hongkou district were chosen as the intervention group, another two as the control group. The students in intervention group received health education for one year but the students in control group didn' t. The same questionnaires were finished in those two groups both to compare one-year incidence rates of traffic injury and traffic accident, knowledge level of traffic injury before and after the intervention, and the one-week incidence rates of traffic accident. Results Rates of right answer in intervention group increased remarkably after intervention(P<0.01).After intervention, rates of violation of traffic rules in last week decreased significantly(P<0.05). Incidence rates of traffic accidents in intervention group descended significantly after intervention(P<0.01). The traffic injury incidence rates showed remarkably decreasing after intervention(P<0.01). All those four indices above had significant differences between the control and intervention groups, respectively(P<0.01). No statistic correlation was found between traffic knowledge and traffic accident ......