闁哄牏鍠庨崹锟�: 鐎甸偊鍠曟穱濠囧棘閸モ晝褰� 闁革负鍔庨崵搴㈢▕閿斿墽娼� 閻犙冨閺嬧剝绋夌€n厽绁� 闁稿鍎遍幃宥夊级閸屾氨绠� 闁硅翰鍎遍崹鏃堟焻婢跺瞼妞� 闁糕晞娅i、鍛村礌鐠囧樊鍔� 濞戞挻娼欑花銉╁礌鐠囧樊鍔� 闁肩瓔鍨伴锟� 閻庢冻闄勬慨锟� 濞戞搩鍘煎ù妤呭礌鐠囧樊鍔� 闁告鍋嗛弫鎾诲箑閺勫浚鍟�
濞e洦绻傛禒锟�: 闁哄倷鍗冲锟� 閻犲洤瀚锟� 閻熸瑥妫涢崑锟� 閻㈩垱鐡曢惁锟� 闁汇倕澧藉锟� 闁汇儱娲ㄦ慨锟� 闁稿繗宕甸弫锟� 闁烩偓鍔忓畵锟� 闁硅翰鍊楅幃锟� 闁诡兙鍎查弲锟� 闁稿鍎撮棅锟� 缂傚洤楠搁锟� 濞戞挶鍊栭埀顒婃嫹 闁煎弶褰冮崝锟� 闁活澁鎷� 濠靛偊鎷� 闁煎府鎷� 閻忓骏鎷� 闁搞儲绋戦锟� 閻犲洩宕垫晶锟� 闁哄洦娼欓ˇ锟�
濞戞搩鍘肩亸锟�: 閻㈩垱鐡曢惁锟� 闁轰焦鐟﹀ḿ锟� 闁诡剚绻嗛埀顒婃嫹 濞戞搩鍙€瀹擄拷 闁告牞宕甸幃锟� 濞戞挻娼欑花锟� 闂佽棄鐗撻锟� 婵ɑ鍨跺Λ锟� 闁哄倸娲ょ€碉拷 闁戒焦銇炵紞锟� 濡ょ姴鏈弻锟� 闁搞儲宕樺锟� 濡炲鍠撻弸锟� 闁肩瓔鍨虫晶锟� 闁肩瓔鍨粭锟� 闁肩瓔鍨扮粩锟� 闁哄倹濯藉畵锟� 闁瑰吋绮庨崒锟� 闁兼槒椴搁弸锟�
当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中国学校卫生》 > 2010年第8期 > 正文
http://www.100md.com 2010年8月1日 勒都晓兰 鲁建央 钱妩燕 段芹 王合春 钟朝晖



     【摘要】 目的 评价职业学校学生艾滋病健康教育效果,为职业学校学生健康教育提供依据。 方法 在重庆市部分职业学校1582名学生中进行艾滋病健康教育,干预前后采用相同问卷进行调查,并对干预效果进行评价。结果 艾滋病基础知识相关问题中,干预前“通过血液传播”正确回答率最高(92.41%);“通过感染艾滋病的性伴侣传播”最低(44.50%);母婴垂直传播为85.78%,后2种传播途径干预后正确回答率提高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。艾滋病非传播途径相关问题中,干预前除“同教室上课不会传播”外,其余的正确回答率都在80%以下,干预后所有问题正确回答率明显高于干预前(P<0.01)。对艾滋病防治知识,干预前正确回答率部分在70%以下,干预后有所提高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。对艾滋病患者及知识传播的态度,干预前采取正向态度的比例为69%~84%,干预后比例有所提高。结论 健康教育使学生的艾滋病防治知识水平有较明显提高,对待艾滋病相关问题的态度也向积极方向转变。

    【关键词】 获得性免疫缺陷综合征;知识;态度;健康教育;学生

    【中图分类号】 G 479 R 512.91 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)08-0914-03

    Intervention Effect of AIDS Health Education on Vocational School Students in Chongqing/LEDU Xiao-lan, LU Jian-yang, QIAN Wu-yan, et al. Clinical school,Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing(400016), China

    【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the intervention effects of AIDS health education on vocational school students, and to provide evidence for their health education. Methods The intervention of AIDS health education was carried out among students in parts of the vocational schools in Chongqing, the same questionnaire investigation was conducted before and after the intervention, and the intervention effect was evaluated. Results In the basic AIDS-related knowledge, before the intervention, the correct answer rates of three transmission routes: Blood-borne(92.41%),through sex partner(44.50%), mother to child(85.78%).The latter two correct rates were improved after the intervention,and the differences before and after the intervention were statistically significant(P<0.01). The correct rates of non-transmission routes were less than 80% before the intervention, except the question "taking classes with an AIDS patient will not be transmitted", all of which were significantly higher after the intervention than before(P<0.01). The correct rates of the AIDS prevention knowledge, some of which were below 70% before the intervention, were improved after the intervention, the differences were statistically significant(P<0 ......


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