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http://www.100md.com 2010年9月1日 段一凡,李艳平,鞠 波,耿晓娟,张 瑞,郭予州,马迎华,马冠生


     【摘要】 目的 了解农村寄宿制学校学生营养知识现状,为制定干预措施和政策提供理论依据。方法 采用多阶段整群抽样方法,从全国8省市中抽取农村寄宿制中小学学生共25 270人。采用问卷调查方法收集学生掌握的营养知识信息。结果 农村寄宿制学校学生对基本营养知识的掌握情况较好,大多数知识点回答的正确率达到80%以上,初中生回答的正确率普遍高于小学生,有关粗粮的营养知识回答正确率较低(68.5%)。维生素A、维生素D、膳食钙和铁等相关知识回答正确率较低,女生掌握情况明显好于男生,钙相关营养知识回答正确率高于其他营养素。结论 需继续加强营养相关知识的宣传教育力度,从小学生抓起。有关粗粮、维生素A、维生素C、膳食铁相关营养知识应成为日后农村学生宣传教育的重点。

    【关键词】 营养科学;知识;学生;居住特征;农村人口

    【中图分类号】 R 151.42 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)09-1031-03

    Nutrition Knowledge Status of Boarding Students in Rural Areas/DUAN Yi-fan*, LI Yan-ping, JU Bo, et al.* National Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing (100050), China

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore the nutrition knowledge status of boarding students in poverty rural area, and to offer scientific bases for government to develop intervention programs. Methods With multistage stratified cluster sampling method, 25 270 primary and middle school boarding students were selected from 8 provinces. The information of nutrition knowledge was collected with questionnaires. Results The general nutrition knowledge status was good, most of their correct answer fill rate was above 80%, which was better among the middle school boarding students than among the primary students. The correct rate about knowledge of coarse grain was lower (68.5%) and the correct rate of the knowledge about vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron was lower also. The girls were better than the boys and the correct answer on calcium was higher than about the other nutrients. Conclusion The promotion and education of nutrition knowledge should be still strengthened and start from the primary school students. The key points should be the nutrition knowledge about coarse grain, vitamin A, vitamin C and iron.

    【Key words】 Nutritional sciences; Knowledge; Students; Residence characteristics; Rural population


    农村寄宿制学校学生大部分时间都在学校,他们离开家庭进入集体生活,远离家庭的膳食照顾,生长所需营养主要由学校提供,学校的膳食营养环境对他们的健康成长影响巨大。加之学生学习紧张、自理能力较差,更易出现营养不平衡,身体健康受到影响。为进一步贯彻落实《中共中央国务院关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》精神,深入了解农村寄宿制学校学生营养现状及存在问题,笔者于2008年和2009年开展了“农村寄宿制学校学生膳食营养调研”,为制定改善农村学生膳食营养的相关政策提供理论依据 ......
