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【摘要】 目的 了解新疆兵团大中学生吸烟现状,为制订干预措施提供依据。方法 采取整群分层随机抽样方法,利用2008年全国青少年健康相关/危险行为调查问卷,对新疆兵团19 120名在校大中学生进行调查,分性别、年级、学校类型计算尝试吸烟率、现在吸烟率、重度吸烟等指标。结果 有15.3%的中学生现在吸烟,其中男生为26.5%,生为4.7%;尝试过吸烟的大中学生占37.2 %,男生达50.8%,女生为24.5%;有4.9%的学生为重度吸烟。女生轻度吸烟率高于男生。兵团大学生各种吸烟率均高于我国2005年水平,并随年龄增高上升趋势明显;现在吸烟率职业高中学生最高,为36.1%。结论 新疆兵团大中学男生吸烟行为严重,女生吸烟率有潜在上升趋势;职业高中学生是控烟干预重点。
【关键词】 吸烟;流行病学研究;对比研究;学生
【中图分类号】 R 163.1 G 479 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)09-1058-03
Smoking Status Among Students in Colleges and Middle Schools in Xinjiang Army Corps/LIU Yu-rong, YANG Xin-feng, WANG Jian-ping. Xinjiang Army Corps Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Urumqi(830002), China
【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the status of smoking among high school students, in order to develop targeted prevention programs and to provide bases for intervention. Methods The cluster stratified random sampling method was taken, using 2008 National Youth Health-related/risk behavior questionnaire, 19 120 pairs of corps school and high school students were divided by sex, grade, school type, the rate of attempt smoking, current smoking, heavy smokers were calculated.Results About 15.3%high school students were smokers, of which 26.5% for boys and girls was 4.7%; tried smoking and high school students accounted for 37.2%, boys 50.8%, girls 24.5%; 4.9% of the students were heavy smokers. Mild smoking rate of girls was higher than boys. The smoking rates of the corps students were higher than the level of the whole nation in 2005 and showed an upward trend in increased markedly with age; now the highest smoking rate of 36.1% of vocational high schools. Conclusion Smoking behavior is common in boys and high school students in Xinjiang corps army; underlying upward trend in female smoking; vocational high school students are the focus of tobacco control interventions.
【Key words】 Smoking; Epidemiologic studies; Comparative study; Students
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