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http://www.100md.com 2010年9月1日 刘宇珠,林灿松,张颖兰,李庆棠,张 英


     【摘要】 目的 了解2005-2008年大理州学校传染病疫情状况,为传染病防控工作提供决策依据。方法 采用描述流行病学方法,对2005-2008年大理州学校传染病疫情报告资料进行分析。结果 2005-2008年累计报告传染病8 008例,发病数前5位病种依次为风疹(2 330例)、流腮(1 951例)、肝炎(1 192例)、肺结核(630例)、痢疾(624例),各年度发病率依次为308.63/10万,374.13/10万,381.40/10万,559.24/10万。病例主要分布于贫困地区的农村小学,男、女性别比为1.21∶1。发病季节主要集中在4-6月及1月。结论学校应以防控急性呼吸道传染病和消化道传染病为重点,采取相应综合性预防和控制措施,阻止学校传染病的暴发和流行。

    【关键词】 传染病;流行病学研究;学生

    【中图分类号】 R 183 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)09-1066-02

    Analysis on the School Infectious Diseases Outbreaks in Prefecture of Dali from 2005 to 2008/LIU Yu-zhu, LIN Can-song, ZHANG Ying-lan, et al. Disease Control Center in Prefecture of Dali, Dali (671000), Yunnan Province, China

    【Abstract】 Objective To study the school infectious diseases in prefecture of Dali from 2005 to 2008 and to provide evidence for the control and prevention of infectious diseases.Methods Descriptive epidemiology was used to analyze the reported data on the epidemic situation of infectious diseases among primary and middle school students in 2005-2008. Results The total cases of infectious diseases was 8 008 in Prefecture of Dali. As far as the top five diseases in terms of the reported number were as following: meales(2 330 cases), mumps(1 951 cases), hepatitis(1 192 cases), tuberculosis(630 cases) and dysentery(624 cases). The year incidence rate was 308.631 per one hundred thousand, 374.131 per one hundred thousand, 381.401 per one hundred thousand and 559.24 pe rone hundred thousand. Major prevalence occurred in primary school in poverty-stricken countryside; The sex ratio was 1.21∶1. High prevalence was mainly from march to June and January. Conclusion More attention should be paid to prevent and control of acute respiratory and contact transmission of infectious disease among primary and middle schools. The school should also adopt comprehensive prevention and control measures to prevent the outbreak and spread of communicable diseases in schools.

    【Key words】 Communicable diseases; Epidemiologic studies; Students ......
