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【摘要】 目的 了解大学生卫生习惯、足部卫生现状及相关知识知晓率,为大学生足部皮肤病防治提供依据。方法 采用分层整群抽样法,随机抽取新乡3所高校的40个班级,对所抽到班级的所有学生进行问卷调查,共调查学生1 020名。结果 大学生足部皮肤病患病率为57.3%,其中足癣、甲真菌病、趾疣、嵌甲的患病率分别为35.7%,15.6%,8.6%,23.1%,男、女生患病率差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01);鸡眼、湿疹患病率分别为12.1%,8.3% ,男、女生患病率差异无统计学意义。不同学校学生足癣患病率差异有统计学意义(χ2=12.002,P=0.002),大部分大学生的足部皮肤病防治知识比较匮乏。结论 大学生足部皮肤病特别是足癣患病率较高,足部健康知识贫乏。学校应加强健康教育,提高学生防范意识,改进其足部卫生习惯。
【关键词】 足疾病;知识;患病率;因素分析,统计学;学生
【中图分类号】 R 751 R 179 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)09-1099-03
Investigation on the State of College Students' Foot Dermatosis and the Awareness Rate of Related Knowledge/YANG Yan-tong, TIAN Li, SUN Chang-li, et al. Xinxiang Medical College, Xinxiang(453003), Henan Province, China
【Abstract】 Objective To study the college students' health habits, the status of their foot health and awareness rate of related knowledge in order to provide scientific evidence for theprevention and treatment of foot dermatosis. Methods By using stratified cluster sampling method, 40 classes were selected randomly in different grades and 1 020 students of the selective classeswithin the questionnaire. Results The prevalence of foot dermatosis was 57.3%, tinea pedis, onychomycosis, plantar wart, ingrown toenails incidence rates were 35.7%, 15.6%, 8.6%, 23.1%,there was a significant differences between male and female(P<0.01), corns, eczema prevalence rates were 12.1% and 8.3%, the prevalence of men and women compared with no significant difference. The incidence rate of tinea pedis in different schools had a significant difference(χ2=12.002,P=0.002). Most students were lack of knowledge of prevention and treatment of foot dermatosis.Conclusion College students have a high prevalence rate of foot dermatosis, especially the tinea pedis. Their knowledge of foot health is deficient, the school health education should be strengthened to raise individual awareness of prevention and improve personal foot health habits.
【Key words】 Foot diseases; Knowledge; Prevalence; Factor analysis, statistical; Students
在校大学生是足部皮肤病的易感人群,流行病学调查显示,足部皮肤病的患病率呈上升趋势[1-2],其患者占皮肤科门诊量的58 ......