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http://www.100md.com 2010年9月1日 陆旭亚


     【摘要】 目的 探讨血清磷脂脂肪酸与肥胖的关系,为指导肥胖儿童进行饮食干预提供依据。方法 分别抽取肥胖儿童41例和健康儿童40例,采用国际标准气相色谱法测定血清磷脂脂肪酸谱,用SPSS 13.0统计软件进行统计学处理。结果 肥胖儿童血清磷脂脂肪酸谱与健康对照组差异有统计学意义。肥胖儿童SFA,C16:0,C16:1,C18:0,C18:3 n-6,C18:3 n-3,C20:0,C20:2n-6 ,C20:3n-6,C22:1,C16:1/ C16:0,C20:3n-6/C18:2n-6显著高于健康对照组;PUFA,n-6PUFA,PUFA/SFA,C14:0,C18:1 n-7,C18:2 n-6,C20:1,C20:4n-6,C20:4n-6/C20:3n-6显著低于健康对照组(P值均<0.05)。结论 重视儿童膳食脂肪酸摄入组成,增加膳食中PUFA尤其是n-3PUFA的摄入,减少SFA摄入,预防儿童肥胖及肥胖相关性疾病,具有重要意义。

    【关键词】 肥胖症;血清;磷脂类;色谱法,气相;对比研究;儿童

    【中图分类号】 R 344.7 R 589.25 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)09-1105-04

    Serum Phospholipid Fatty Acid Profile Among Obese Children/LU Xu-ya. Nursing School of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou(310053), China

    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the serum phospholipid fatty acid profile in obese children group and normal control group, discuss the association between serum phospholipid fatty acids and obesity and suggest suitable dietary intervention. Methods Forty-one obese children and forty healthy subjects were studied. Serum phospholipid fatty acid was analyzed with capillary gas chromatography. Blood biochemical parameters were test by the standard methods. The data were processed by SPSS 13.0 for statistical analysis. Results Serum phospholipid fatty acid profile was significantly different between obese children group and normal control group.SFA, C16:0, C16:1, C18:0, C18:3 n-6,C18:3 n-3, C20:0, C20:2n-6, C20:3n-6, C22:1, C16:1/ C16:0, C20:3n-6/C18:2n-6 in obesity group were significantly higher than those of normal control group,but PUFA, n-6PUFA, PUFA/SFA, C14:0, C18:1 n-7, C18:2 n-6, C20:1, C20:4n-6, C20:4n-6/C20:3n-6 were significantly lower than those of normal control group(P<0.05). Conclusion People should emphasis the quality not just quantity of dietary fatty acids and increase the dietary levels of PUFA especially n-3PUFA and reduce the dietary levels of SFA, which may prevent the development of obesity and diseases correlation with obesity.

    【Key words】 Obesity; Serum; Phospholipids; Chromatography, gas; Comparative study; Child

    儿童肥胖是与生活方式密切相关,以过度营养、缺乏运动、全身脂肪组织过度增生为特征的慢性疾病,是环境因素与遗传因素相互作用的结果 ......
