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【摘要】 目的 探讨拉萨、那曲和锦州地区男性青少年血清骨碱性磷酸酶(BAP)、Ⅰ型前胶原羧基端前肽(PICP)和骨钙素(OC)水平特点及其差异,为开展青少年生长发育研究提供依据。方法 选取西藏拉萨与那曲地区的12~18岁健康藏族男性青少年共746人,锦州平原地区汉族男性青少年343人,测定身高及血清BAP、PICP和OC的含量。结果 拉萨和那曲组血清BAP、PICP和OC平均水平均高于锦州组,且拉萨组与锦州组比较差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01);拉萨组3个指标的水平显著高于那曲组(P<0.01或P<0.05)。拉萨组血清BAP、PICP和OC在13~14岁均出现高峰;而那曲组和锦州组其高峰出现的年龄均提前1 a。随年龄增长,3组各生化标志物水平均明显下降(P值均<0.05)。血清BAP、PICP和OC水平均与身高密切相关(r=0.43,0.54,0.41,P值均<0.01)。结论 不同海拔地区男性青少年血清BAP、PICP和OC水平随年龄变化特点基本一致,高原藏族青少年高于平原汉族青少年。应进行大样本调查分析,建立针对高原藏族青少年的骨形成标志物的正常参考范围。
【关键词】 骨生成;生物学标记;生长和发育;男(雄)性;青少年;高海拔
【中图分类号】 R 339.35 R 336 Q 593+.6 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)10-1165-03
Serum Bone Formation Markers of Male Adolescents in Different Altitude Area/WANG Ping*, DONG Jun-hong, WANG Hong-mei, et al.* Biochemistry Faculty, Weifang Medical College, Weifang(261042), Shandong Province, China
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the characteristics and differences of serum bone alkaline phosphatase(BAP), carboxyterminal propeptide of typeⅠprocollagen (PICP) and Osteocalcin(OC) in male adolescents living on Lhasa, Naqu and Jinzhou. Methods Totally 746 healthy Tibetan adolescents (aged 12-18 years) in Lhasa and Naqu and 343 Han adolescents in Jinzhou were selected in the study, their height and the levels of BAP, PICP and OC were tested. Results The levels of BAP, PICP and OC in Lhasa and Naqu were observably higher than those in Jinzhou. The difference was statistically significant in Lhasa and Jinzhou(P<0.01). The values of serum BAP, PICP and OC reached the peak occurring in Lhasa boys at 13-14 years. BAP, PICP and OC levels in Naqu and Jinzhou reached peak approximately one year earlier, which declined with increase of age after peak(P<0.05). Positive correlativity was observed BAP, PICP and OC with height(r=0.43,0.54,0.41,P<0.01). Conclusion Change characteristics of Serum BAP, PICP and OC is consistent with age in male adolescent in Lhasa, Naqu and Jinzhou, but the levels are higher in Tibetan Plateau than that in Han Plain. Tips Tibetan Plateau should be established for the bone biomarkers in the normal reference range.
【Key words】 Osteogenesis; Biological markers; Growth and development; Male; Adolescent; Altitude ......