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【摘要】 目的 分析青少年愤怒情绪的发生和表达特点,为减少和避免青少年的恶性事件发生提供借鉴。方法 采用自编的愤怒事件回溯调查问卷对保定市452名中学生进行调查,运用内容分析法提取愤怒情绪的诱发因素、愤怒发生的时间、地点、频率以及愤怒表达方式,根据频次分布特征分析青少年愤怒的发生与表达特点。结果 引起青少年愤怒的前4位因素是不成熟的人格因素,他人的伤害,他人的行为不符合社会规范、守则,自我价值受到威胁。愤怒的诱发因素存在性别差异(χ2=55.1,P=0.000),男生由“被伤害事件”引发的愤怒多于女生,而女生的愤怒诱因更加多样化。青少年的愤怒主要发生在学校(49.0%)和家中(37.8%),指向的主要对象是同学(30.0%)和家长(29.8%)。结论 加强青少年情绪疏导,指导青少年正确表达愤怒,有利于预防青少年伤害性事件的发生。
【关键词】 怒;情绪;精神卫生;青少年
【中图分类号】 R 395.6 G 444 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)11-1288-03
Happen and Expression of Anger in Teenagers/LIU Hui-jun*, ZHU Li-wen.* Cultural School of Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin(300070), China
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the characteristic of anger being aroused and being expressed in teenagers and adolescents, and to provide evidence for avoiding bad events. Methods Totally 452 participants were investigated with anger event memory questionnaire,relevant information about antecedents of anger, time, place, frequency and the style of anger expression was checked with content analysis method by two researchers. Results Top of four factors which aroused anger were the unwell personality, being hurt, someone showed behavior against social norms or rules and self-values being threatened. The anger of male students were more caused by being hurt than female students. More angers in teenagers and adolescents happened in school and family. Classmates and parents were the targets of anger. Participants reported more anger-out expression, and some of expression had the approach of anti-aggression. Conclusion Do more work in emotion management to teenagers and adolescents and direct them to express their anger in adaptive style, that would be helpful to prevent teenagers and adolescents from hurt event.
【Key words】 Anger;Emotions;Mental health;Adolescent
愤怒是一种常见的负性情绪,是人类演化的产物,其原发形式常与搏斗和攻击行为联系在一起[1]。在现实生活中,愤怒经常与感觉被他人不公正的对待联系在一起,也常出现在期望落空和遭遇挫折时,成为家庭暴力、人际冲突和交通事故的重要起因[2]。国外研究者对愤怒的诱发因素进行了大量研究,其中Mabel以各种年龄和背景的人为被试,总结了10 种引起愤怒的因素[3]。Mabel的分析强调了诱发愤怒的外在因素,而Ellis则更加关注引起愤怒的内在认知因素,他认为愤怒情绪产生于4种不合理的思想,包括:(1)夸大,如夸大与厌恶事件相关的困难结果和水平;(2)低挫折忍耐性或低估个人处理不适和困境的能力;(3)自我价值受到威胁;(4)过分苛求,个人对道德标准或规则的要求过高[4]。
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象 从河北省保定市2所普通中学和1所职业中学共抽取样本452名,其中普通中学的初一至初三学生有207人,高一至高三学生150人,来自职业中学的高一至高三学生共95人。年龄范围在12~19岁之间;其中男生189名,女生263名 ......