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【摘要】 目的 了解西双版纳州1985-2005年傣族学生身体形态和运动素质变化特点,为儿童青少年发育研究提供科学基础资料。方法 利用1985-2005年全国学生体质健康调研资料,用描述流行病学方法,分析西双版纳州1985-2005年傣族学生形态和运动素质变化情况。结果 随着年龄的增长,1985-2005年傣族学生形态指标中身高、体重、胸围、肩宽和骨盆宽的发育也有不同程度的增长,每年的生长速度与增长总量与1995年云南省的汉族、纳西族、哈尼族和佤族基本一致,每10a的增幅低于全国乡村水平;运动素质除力量、柔韧性和女生耐力跑有所提高外,其余指标总体呈现停滞和下降趋势。结论 西双版纳州傣族学生形态发育指标持续增长,运动素质从1991年以来总体呈现停滞或下降状况。
【关键词】 身体素质;生长和发育;运动活动;学生;少数民族,傣族
【中图分类号】 R 339.35 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)11-1357-04
Health Condition Among Dai Students in Xishuangbana in Yunnan During 1985-2005/LI Ying*, MA Xiao-fan, LI Xiong-fei,et al. * The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention of Xishuangbanna , Jinghong(666100),Yunnan Province,China
【Abstract】 Objective To know the health condition changes on growth and development of Dai students in Xishuangbana in recent 20 years, and to supply the evidence of youth growth and development research. MethodsUsing the data from National Survey on Students' Health Condition from 1985 to 2005, the changes of growth and development and sport constitution were analyzed by usingepidemiological description. ResultsThe shape indicators were increasing,such as body height, weight,chest measurement,shoulder and pelvises with the student age increasingfrom 1985 to 2005. The speed of growth and weight increasing every year were the same with Han, Naxi, Hani, and Wa people in Yunnan in 1985. The increasing level in every 10 years is lower than China countryside level. In the sport constitution, the power, flexibility and female students' endurance were increasing, the other indicators were stop or down trend. Conclusion The shape growth is growing continually; The sport quality has presented the overall stagnation drop condition since 1991.
【Key words】 Physical fitness;Growth and development;Motor activity;Students;Minority groups,Dai nationality
儿童青少年的生长发育和身体素质发展是反映不同人群生活条件和健康水平最重要的标志[1]。近年来,我国中小学生的形态发育水平不断提高,而体能素质却呈现下降趋势[2]。西双版纳为傣族自治州,位于北回归线以南的云南西南部,属亚热带雨林气候,与缅甸和老挝接壤,全州人口104万,傣族人口约占34%,有各类在校学生169 620人,教职员工11 265人。1985-2005年全州经济社会和教育与全国同步得到迅速发展,人均GDP由579元增长到8 873元,农民人均纯收入由465元增长到2 172元,教育投入达到37 114万元,严重威胁人们的各种传染病、地方病得到较好的控制,人民群众的生活水平和自我保健意识不断提高,同时学校保健水平提高,对生长造成阻碍的慢性消耗性疾病减少 ......