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【摘要】 目的 了解宁波市学龄前儿童的视力不良状况,为视力保健工作提供依据和对策。方法 在宁波市辖4个区随机整群抽取5所幼儿园进行调查,共有1 146人2 292眼接受调查。结果 儿童视力不良检出率为33.25%,按眼数统计为30.02%,随年龄增加,视力不良率下降,其中4岁组与6岁组,5岁组与6岁组的视力不良检出率差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.83,P<0.01;χ2=6.13,P<0.05)。各年龄组均是轻度视力不良者最多,其次为中度视力不良者,高度视力不良者很少。散光是导致视力不良的第一大原因,构成比为52.33%,其余依次是发育因素(17.73%)、近视(9.30%)、远视散光(7.12%)、近视散光(6.69%)、远视(4.22%)、其他(2.62%)。结论 宁波市学龄前儿童的视力不良情况比较严重,建立幼托机构的三级分工合作的视力保健工作模式非常必要。
【关键词】 视力,低;患病率;散光;儿童,学龄前
【中图分类号】 R 770.421 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)11-1350-02
Analysis of Pre-school Children with Low Vision in Ningbo City/CHEN Xi,YANG Lu,LV Gang, et al. Ningbo Guangming Eye Hospital, Ningbo(315020), Zhejiang Province, China
【Abstract】 Objective To survey the situation of pre-school children with low vision in Ningbo and to provide basis and countermeasures for low-vision care. MethodsTotally 1 146 children (2 292 eyes)from five kindergartens were taken as random cluster from four districts in Ningbo in 2007. Results The rate of low vision was 33.25% and as eye-statistics was 30.02%. With age increasing, the rate of low vision was dropping.The difference was statistically significant between four-years-old group or five-years-old group and sin-years-old group(χ2=7.83,P<0.01;χ2=6.13,P<0.05). In all age groups mild low-vision children was the most, followed by moderate and severe low-vision children. Astigmatism was the first major reason for low vision (the constituent ratio was 52.33%). It was followed by developmental factors (17.73%), myopia(9.30%), hyperopic astigmatism(7.12%), myopic astigmatism(6.69%), hyperopia (4.22%) and other factors(2.62%).Conclusion The situation of pre-school children with low vision is quite serious in Ningbo City. It is necessary to establish the model of vision health in nursery.
【Key words】 Vision low;Prevalence;Astigmatism;Child,preschool
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象 2007年9-10月从宁波市辖4个区随机整群抽取5所幼儿园(最大区抽取2所幼儿园,其他每区抽取1所幼儿园),在园儿童共1 182人,其中1 146人接受了检查,受检率为96.95%。其中男童559人,女童587人;年龄4~6岁。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 裸眼视力测量 检查前由幼儿园老师教会识认“E”形视标。采用两用式标准对数灯箱视力表(上海跃进医用光学仪器厂生产,申光牌),测量距离5 m。受检儿童双眼分别进行视力检测,由专门医生负责遮盖儿童一眼,以免遮盖过严或过松造成视力测量不准确。
1.2.2 验光检查 用Canon RK-F1全自动电脑验光仪行双眼小瞳孔下自动验光,该仪器在检查前用模型眼进行校准,误差范围±0.25 D。由专门医生负责固定受试儿童头位 ......