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【摘要】 目的 了解上海市中小学生伤害流行病学特征和疾病负担状况,为制定干预措施提供依据。方法 采用随机分层整群抽样方法抽取上海市19区(县)29 416名学生进行伤害问卷调查,小学生由家长在家填写问卷,初中、高中生由学生在现场自填问卷,分别回顾调查前1 a学生伤害发生情况。结果 中小学生伤害发生率为5.47%,伤者年均发生1.09次,预初、高一生分别为初、高中阶段伤害高发人群;前3位伤害原因为跌落/倒(55.16%)、碰撞(12.61%)、交通事故(11.12%); 9-10月为伤害高发时期,主要伤害场所为学校、街道/公路和家庭,体育活动和消遣活动是伤害发生比例较高的2类活动;每例受伤学生平均住院0.5 d,缺课1.4 d,其中交通事故伤所致住院率、缺课率居前8位伤害原因之首。结论 上海市中小学生伤害常见多发,疾病负担严重,应采取针对性措施干预高发性和危害严重的伤害,重点干预初、高中生。
【关键词】 流行病学研究;创伤和损伤;学生
【中图分类号】 R 181.22 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)11-1369-04
Epidemiological Survey of Injuries Among Primary and Secondary School Students in Shanghai/ZHOU Yue-fang,LUO Chun-yan, LU Xi. Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shanghai (200336), China
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of injury and disease burden in primary and secondary school students for providing evidence for further intervention. Methods A random cluster sampling study on the conditions of injuries during the last 12 months was conducted in October 2009. The questionnaire survey was conducted among 96 schools totally 29 416 students in all 19 districts in Shanghai. The parents and other relatives who took care of the children in primary schools and students by his own in middle schools were asked to answer the question. ResultsThe injury rate of students was 5.47%, the wounded average happened 1.09 times per year. Six grade and ten grade students were high risk populations. The three leading injury causes were falls(55.16%), collisions(12.61%), traffic accidents(11.12%). September to October was the high-incidence season. Injuries were mostly happened in school, street/road and at home when the children were playing or in recreation activities. The average hospital stay of per injured student was 0.5 days, absence from school was 1.4 days. The leading cause to be hospitalized or absent from school was traffic accident. Conclusion Injuries in primary and secondary school students are commonly happened, and cause severely disease burden. It is necessary to reinforce intervention for frequently occurred and harmful injuries especially students in middle schools ......