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[15]JAHAN K, PILLAI KK,VOHORA D Parachlorophenyl-alanine-induced 5-HT depletion alters behavioral andbrain neurotransmitters levels in 6-Hz psychomotor sei-zure model iIl mice[J]. Fundam Clin Pharmacol,2017,31(4):403-410.
[16]AKANA SF. Feeding and stress interact through the sero-tonin 2C receptor in developing mice[J]. Physiol Behav,2008,94(4):569-579
[17]11 Y, LIU J,LIU X, et al.Antidepressant-Iike action ofsingle facial injection of botulinum neurotoxin a is assoa-ated with augmented 5-HT levels and BDNF/ERK/CREBpathways in mouse brain[J]. Neurosci Bull, 2019, 35(4):661-672
(編辑:唐晓莲), 百拇医药(董文婷 霍金海 孙国东 王伟明)
[12]金同章.黑质DA的氧化应激与帕金森病脑内多巴胺的生物医学[M].上海:上海科技教育出版社,1998, 171-174
[13]HASTINGS TG,LEWIS DA,ZIGMOND MJ. Role of ox-idation in the neurotoxic effects of intrastriatal dopamineinjections[J]. Proc Natl Sci USA, 1996, 93 (5): 1956-1961
[14]KOSHIMURA K, TANAKA, MURAKAMI Y, et al Ef-fects of dopamine and L-dopa on survival of PC12 cells[J].,Neurosci Res ,2000,62(1):112-1 19.
[15]JAHAN K, PILLAI KK,VOHORA D Parachlorophenyl-alanine-induced 5-HT depletion alters behavioral andbrain neurotransmitters levels in 6-Hz psychomotor sei-zure model iIl mice[J]. Fundam Clin Pharmacol,2017,31(4):403-410.
[16]AKANA SF. Feeding and stress interact through the sero-tonin 2C receptor in developing mice[J]. Physiol Behav,2008,94(4):569-579
[17]11 Y, LIU J,LIU X, et al.Antidepressant-Iike action ofsingle facial injection of botulinum neurotoxin a is assoa-ated with augmented 5-HT levels and BDNF/ERK/CREBpathways in mouse brain[J]. Neurosci Bull, 2019, 35(4):661-672
(編辑:唐晓莲), 百拇医药(董文婷 霍金海 孙国东 王伟明)