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[17] 高海亮,盧颖,姜婷婷,等.药物经济学评价报告质量评价指南[J].中国药物经济学,2019,14(2):18-28.
(收稿日期:2020-06-28 修回日期:2020-08-01)
(编辑:刘明伟), 百拇医药(王敏娇 李灿 杜怿 柳鹏程 曹春烨 曹阳)
[10] SULLIVAN SD,MAUSKOPF JA,AUGUSTOVSKI F, et al. Budget impact analysis:principles of good practice:report of the ISPOR 2012 budget impact analysis good practice Ⅱ task force[J]. Value in Health,2014,17(1):5-14.
[11] MARSHALL DA,DOUGLAS PR,DRUMMOND MF, et al. Guidelines for conducting pharmaceutical budget impact analyses for submission to public drug plans in Canada[J]. Pharmacoeconomics,2008,26(6):477-495.
[12] ORLEWSKA E,MIERZEJEWSKI P. Proposal of Polish guidelines for conducting financial analysis and their comparison to existing guidance on budget impact in other countries[J]. Value in Health,2004,7(1):1-10.
[13] 郭金玉,张忠彬,孙庆云.层次分析法的研究与应用[J].中国安全科学学报,2008(5):148-153.
[14] MAUSKOPF J,EARNSHAW S. A methodological review of US budget-impact models for new drugs[J]. Pharmacoeconomics,2016,34(11):1111-1131.
[15] NEYT M,CLEEMPUT I,SANDE SVD,et al. Belgian guidelines for budget impact analyses[J]. Acta Clinica Belgica,2015,70(3):175-180.
[16] GHABRI S,AUTIN E,POULLIE AI,et al. The French national authority for health (HAS) guidelines for conducting budget impact analyses (BIA)[J]. Pharmacoeconomics,2018,36(4):407-417.
[17] 高海亮,盧颖,姜婷婷,等.药物经济学评价报告质量评价指南[J].中国药物经济学,2019,14(2):18-28.
(收稿日期:2020-06-28 修回日期:2020-08-01)
(编辑:刘明伟), 百拇医药(王敏娇 李灿 杜怿 柳鹏程 曹春烨 曹阳)