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http://www.100md.com 2014年4月1日 《医学美学美容·中旬刊》 2014年第4期


    【Abstract】Objective:Using computer software to design the operation plan on patients with asymmetry deformities,then make rapid prototyping in order to evaluate the curative effect after operation using this technology.Methods:All patients’ rapid prototyping are maded from CT date.Imitating to cut bone on Rapid prototyping.Data was obtained and used to guide the operation.Finally evaluate the operative effect half a year after operation.Results:The 20 patients obtained satisfactory results and facial deformities were corrected successfully.The biteplane was horizontal.The face was symmetric.Conclusion:Rapid prototyping technology was helpful to guide the operation.

    【key words 】Computer-aided design;Rapid prototyping technology;orthognathic surgery

    【中图分类号】R782 【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1004-4949(2014)04-0078-01

    计算机技术、影像学技术、3D打印技术的快速发展给正颌外科的术前诊断、制定手术计划等带来了巨大的改变[1] ......

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