[1] 国家药品安全“十二五”规划[EB/OL]. 2012-02-13. http://www. gov. cn/zwgk/2012-02/13/content_2065197. htm.
[2] 中医药事业发展“十二五”规划[EB/OL]. 2012-06-06. http://www. satcm. gov. cn/a/jfwj/index_8. html.
[3] 陆业. 浅析技术性贸易壁垒对我国对外贸易的影响及其应对之策[J]. 经济学家, 2005(3):32.
[4] 袁延寿. 我国制药企业的专利战略[J]. 科技管理研究,2004(2):114.
[5] 赵贤,邵蓉. 从药品基本专利和从属专利看我国医药企业专利战略[J]. 上海医药,2005,26(6):253.
Influence and countermeasure of technical barriers to trade on
traditional Chinese medicine industry
GAO Jie1, DONG Li1*, SONG Zong-hua2
(1. School of Business Administration, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang 100016, China;
2. Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission, Beijing 110061, China)
[Abstract] The authors proposed remedial measures for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) products export faced with technical barriers to trade (TBT) according to analyzing the impact of TBT on TCM product export with economic theories, and putting forward countermeasures based on evaluation researches. TBT can be effectively coped with by the joint efforts of government, enterprises and industry association. Not only TBT can be broken through but also TCM product export can be expanded by the coordination and cooperation of our country and the society.
[Key words] traditional Chinese medicine; technical barriers to trade; countermeasure
[责任编辑 曹阳阳], 百拇医药(高洁,董丽,宋宗华)
[1] 国家药品安全“十二五”规划[EB/OL]. 2012-02-13. http://www. gov. cn/zwgk/2012-02/13/content_2065197. htm.
[2] 中医药事业发展“十二五”规划[EB/OL]. 2012-06-06. http://www. satcm. gov. cn/a/jfwj/index_8. html.
[3] 陆业. 浅析技术性贸易壁垒对我国对外贸易的影响及其应对之策[J]. 经济学家, 2005(3):32.
[4] 袁延寿. 我国制药企业的专利战略[J]. 科技管理研究,2004(2):114.
[5] 赵贤,邵蓉. 从药品基本专利和从属专利看我国医药企业专利战略[J]. 上海医药,2005,26(6):253.
Influence and countermeasure of technical barriers to trade on
traditional Chinese medicine industry
GAO Jie1, DONG Li1*, SONG Zong-hua2
(1. School of Business Administration, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang 100016, China;
2. Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission, Beijing 110061, China)
[Abstract] The authors proposed remedial measures for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) products export faced with technical barriers to trade (TBT) according to analyzing the impact of TBT on TCM product export with economic theories, and putting forward countermeasures based on evaluation researches. TBT can be effectively coped with by the joint efforts of government, enterprises and industry association. Not only TBT can be broken through but also TCM product export can be expanded by the coordination and cooperation of our country and the society.
[Key words] traditional Chinese medicine; technical barriers to trade; countermeasure
[责任编辑 曹阳阳], 百拇医药(高洁,董丽,宋宗华)