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http://www.100md.com 2014年1月15日 《中国中药杂志》 2014年第2期


    Fig.1Annual distribution of patent applications for invention in traditional Chinese medicine field


    Fig.2Annual distribution of patents granted for invention in traditional Chinese medicine field







    [6]中国科技论文统计结果[EB/OL]. 2013-05-01.http://www.istic.ac.cn/tabid/640/default.aspx.

    Present situation of science and technology of

    traditional Chinese medicine in China

    LI Dong-xue1*, XU Yi-jun2

    (1.China National Center for Biotechnology Development, Beijing 100039, China;

    2. State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C, Beijing 100088, China)

    [Abstract]This paper explains the status of science and technology of traditional Chinese medicine in China. Basic conclusions are as follows: policy environment is improved step by step, R&D funds and R&D personnel in traditional Chinese medicine field are increased continuously, and a lot of achievements have been got in traditional Chinese medicine field.

    [Key words]traditional Chinese medicine; science and technology; situation


    [责任编辑陈玲], http://www.100md.com(李冬雪 徐益君)
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