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[5] 王海波, 张芝玉.国产3 种夏枯草挥发油的成分[J].中国药学杂志,1994,11(1):29.
[6] 贺莉娟,梁逸曾.唇形科植物挥发油化学成分的 GC/MS 研究[J].化学学报,2007,65 (3):227.
[7] 刘悦, 宋少江, 徐绥绪. 夏枯草的化学成分及生物活性研究进展[J]. 沈阳药科大学学报,2003, 20(1):55.
Preliminary analysis of bitter substances in spica of Prunella vulgaris
ZHAI Xin1, XI Meng-qian1, GUO Qiao-sheng1*, HAN Huan-huan1, ZHANG Xiang1, YANG Wei1,2,ZHENG Rong-bo2, HUANG Xiao-dan2, ZHU Huan-rong2
(1.Institute of Chinese Medicinal Materials, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China;
2. Guangzhou Wanglaoji Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Guangzhou 510450, China)
[Abstract] Volatile oil components and the contents and types of amino acid in spica of Prunella vulgaris were analysed by GC-MS and amino acid analyzer. Esters, fatty acids, aromatic hydrocarbon, ketone and several alcohol compounds were identified by mass spectrum comparison. In these ingredients, β-ionone smelled aroma of cedar, raspberry, nerolidol showed weak sweet soft orange blossom flavor, neroli tasted sweet and fresh, nerolidol tasted sweet with light aroma of wood, hexadecanal showed a weak aroma of flowers and wax, α-sinensal had rich and fresh sweet orange flavor. To some extent, these types of aromatic substances can affect the taste of herbal tea or decoction made of Spica Prunellae. Among amino acids detected, natural amino acids accounted for a larger proportion, and those natural amino acids showed bitterness, slight bitterness, sourness (freshness), sweetness, slight sweetness, sourness (slight freshness). The results indicated that bitter and slightly bitter amino acids have the greatest impacts on the sense of Spica Prunellae.
[Key words] Prunella vulgaris; GC-MS; bitter compounds
[责任编辑 吕冬梅], http://www.100md.com(翟欣 奚梦茜 郭巧生 韩欢欢 张翔 杨伟 郑荣波 黄晓丹 朱焕蓉)
[5] 王海波, 张芝玉.国产3 种夏枯草挥发油的成分[J].中国药学杂志,1994,11(1):29.
[6] 贺莉娟,梁逸曾.唇形科植物挥发油化学成分的 GC/MS 研究[J].化学学报,2007,65 (3):227.
[7] 刘悦, 宋少江, 徐绥绪. 夏枯草的化学成分及生物活性研究进展[J]. 沈阳药科大学学报,2003, 20(1):55.
Preliminary analysis of bitter substances in spica of Prunella vulgaris
ZHAI Xin1, XI Meng-qian1, GUO Qiao-sheng1*, HAN Huan-huan1, ZHANG Xiang1, YANG Wei1,2,ZHENG Rong-bo2, HUANG Xiao-dan2, ZHU Huan-rong2
(1.Institute of Chinese Medicinal Materials, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China;
2. Guangzhou Wanglaoji Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Guangzhou 510450, China)
[Abstract] Volatile oil components and the contents and types of amino acid in spica of Prunella vulgaris were analysed by GC-MS and amino acid analyzer. Esters, fatty acids, aromatic hydrocarbon, ketone and several alcohol compounds were identified by mass spectrum comparison. In these ingredients, β-ionone smelled aroma of cedar, raspberry, nerolidol showed weak sweet soft orange blossom flavor, neroli tasted sweet and fresh, nerolidol tasted sweet with light aroma of wood, hexadecanal showed a weak aroma of flowers and wax, α-sinensal had rich and fresh sweet orange flavor. To some extent, these types of aromatic substances can affect the taste of herbal tea or decoction made of Spica Prunellae. Among amino acids detected, natural amino acids accounted for a larger proportion, and those natural amino acids showed bitterness, slight bitterness, sourness (freshness), sweetness, slight sweetness, sourness (slight freshness). The results indicated that bitter and slightly bitter amino acids have the greatest impacts on the sense of Spica Prunellae.
[Key words] Prunella vulgaris; GC-MS; bitter compounds
[责任编辑 吕冬梅], http://www.100md.com(翟欣 奚梦茜 郭巧生 韩欢欢 张翔 杨伟 郑荣波 黄晓丹 朱焕蓉)