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Analysis on principle of treatment of phlegm retention syndrome of
Ma Peizhi based on apriori and clustering algorithm
WU Jia-rui, GUO Wei-xian, ZHANG Xiao-meng, HUANG Xiu-qin, YANG Bing,ZHANG Bing*
(Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102,China)
[Abstract] Analyzed the prescriptions for phlegm retention syndrome that built by Ma Peizhi by the association rules and clustering algorithm, the frequency of drug usage and the relationship between drugs could be get. And from that we could conclude the experiences for phlegm retention syndrome of Ma Peizhi of menghe medical genre. The results of the analysis were that 18 core combinations were dig out, such as Citri Exocarpium Rubrum-Eriobotryae Folium-Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium. And there were 9 new prescriptions were found out such as Aurantii Fructus-Citri Exocarpium Rubium-Eriobotryae Folium-Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium. The results of the analysis were proved that Ma Peizhi of Menghe Medical Genre was good at curing phlegm retention syndrome by using the traditional Chinese medicine of mild and light, such as the medicines of mild tonification, and clearing damp and promoting diuresis.
[Key words] Ma Peizhi;phlegm retention syndrome;association rules;clustering algorithm
doi:10.4268/cjcmm20140415, http://www.100md.com(吴嘉瑞 郭位先 张晓朦 黄秀勤 杨冰 张冰)
[2] 巢崇山.孟河四家医案医话集[M]. 太原:山西科学技术出版社,2009.
[3] 杨洪军,赵亚丽,唐仕欢,等.基于熵方法分析中风病方剂中药物之间关联度[J].中国中医基础医学杂志,2005,11(9):706.
[4] 唐仕欢,陈建新,杨洪军,等.基于复杂熵聚类方法的中药新药处方发现研究思路[J].世界科学技术——中医药现代化,2009,11(2):225.
[5] 李健,卢朋,唐仕欢,等.基于中医传承辅助系统的治疗肺痈方剂用药规律分析[J].中国实验方剂学杂志,2012,18(2):254.
[6] 陈迪,卢朋,张方博,等. 基于数据挖掘和网络分析的“脑心同治”分子机制研究[J].中国中药杂志,2013,38(1):93.
Analysis on principle of treatment of phlegm retention syndrome of
Ma Peizhi based on apriori and clustering algorithm
WU Jia-rui, GUO Wei-xian, ZHANG Xiao-meng, HUANG Xiu-qin, YANG Bing,ZHANG Bing*
(Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102,China)
[Abstract] Analyzed the prescriptions for phlegm retention syndrome that built by Ma Peizhi by the association rules and clustering algorithm, the frequency of drug usage and the relationship between drugs could be get. And from that we could conclude the experiences for phlegm retention syndrome of Ma Peizhi of menghe medical genre. The results of the analysis were that 18 core combinations were dig out, such as Citri Exocarpium Rubrum-Eriobotryae Folium-Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium. And there were 9 new prescriptions were found out such as Aurantii Fructus-Citri Exocarpium Rubium-Eriobotryae Folium-Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium. The results of the analysis were proved that Ma Peizhi of Menghe Medical Genre was good at curing phlegm retention syndrome by using the traditional Chinese medicine of mild and light, such as the medicines of mild tonification, and clearing damp and promoting diuresis.
[Key words] Ma Peizhi;phlegm retention syndrome;association rules;clustering algorithm
doi:10.4268/cjcmm20140415, http://www.100md.com(吴嘉瑞 郭位先 张晓朦 黄秀勤 杨冰 张冰)