[摘要]研究采用不依赖培养方法T-RFLP,比较结香和非结香的白木香内生细菌的群落结构及变化,研究发现结香后内生细菌的T-RFs、香农多样性指数有增加的趋势,各样品间差异的T-RFs片段数占总T-RFs片段数60%以上,说明结香前后白木香内生细菌的种类发生显著变化。在非结香样品中,内生细菌的优势菌群是Anoxybacillus, Clostridium, Candidatus endobugula, Lysinibacillus,结香样品中内生细菌的优势菌群为Clostridium,Lysinibacillus,Luteimonas,phytoplasma。另外,在结香和非结香样品中都出现一些特异的T-RFs片段,这些明显的变化使得样品聚类分析时,结香样品内生细菌群落结构相似性比较高聚在一起,非结香样品聚在一起,说明结香前后白木香内生细菌发生显著的、有规律的变化。研究旨在利用不依赖培养的方法首次探讨白木香内生细菌的群落结构及结香中的变化,为合理利用白木香内生细菌资源提供科学依据。
, 百拇医药
Community structure and difference of endophtic bacteria in Aquilaria
sinensis with and without agarwood
, 百拇医药
HUANG Ya-li1, KUANG Zao-yuan1, SONG Meng-wei2, ZHANG Ren1*
(1.School of Fundamental Medical Science, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510006, China;
2. School of Fundamental Medical Science, Guilin Medical University, Guilin 541004, China)
[Abstract]Aquilaria sinensis can generate agarwood, which is closely related with endophyte. Up to now, studies mainly focused on the effects of endophytic fungi on agarwood formation, but studies about endophytic bacteria are rarely reported. In our research, the T-RFs and Shannon index of endophytic bacteria in samples of agarwood increase. The number of distinctive T-RFs fragments of corresponding samples in the same group accounted for more than 60% the number of total T-RFs fragments. In samples of no- agarwood, the dominant bacterial population are Anoxybacillus, Clostridium, Candidatus endobugula, Lysinibacillus. In samples of agarwood, the dominant bacterial population are Clostridium,Lysinibacillus,Luteimonas, phytoplasma. Besides, there are specific T-RFs fragment in samples of agarwood and no- agarwood respectively. When we perform cluster analysis, we found samples of agarwood highly gather together and samples of no- agarwood highly gather together. This means community of endophytic bacteria emerge significant and regular changes during agarwood formation, which may be result of agarwood production, or maybe it is important reason of agarwood production. In this paper, we obtain more comprehensive and accurate community of endophytic bacteria in Aquilaria sinensis and it′s variation during agarwood formation using T-RFLP, which is first study of effects of endophytic bacteria on agarwood formation , and will help to exploit resource of endophytic bacteria more reasonably., 百拇医药(黄雅丽 邝枣园 宋梦微 张韧)
, 百拇医药
Community structure and difference of endophtic bacteria in Aquilaria
sinensis with and without agarwood
, 百拇医药
HUANG Ya-li1, KUANG Zao-yuan1, SONG Meng-wei2, ZHANG Ren1*
(1.School of Fundamental Medical Science, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510006, China;
2. School of Fundamental Medical Science, Guilin Medical University, Guilin 541004, China)
[Abstract]Aquilaria sinensis can generate agarwood, which is closely related with endophyte. Up to now, studies mainly focused on the effects of endophytic fungi on agarwood formation, but studies about endophytic bacteria are rarely reported. In our research, the T-RFs and Shannon index of endophytic bacteria in samples of agarwood increase. The number of distinctive T-RFs fragments of corresponding samples in the same group accounted for more than 60% the number of total T-RFs fragments. In samples of no- agarwood, the dominant bacterial population are Anoxybacillus, Clostridium, Candidatus endobugula, Lysinibacillus. In samples of agarwood, the dominant bacterial population are Clostridium,Lysinibacillus,Luteimonas, phytoplasma. Besides, there are specific T-RFs fragment in samples of agarwood and no- agarwood respectively. When we perform cluster analysis, we found samples of agarwood highly gather together and samples of no- agarwood highly gather together. This means community of endophytic bacteria emerge significant and regular changes during agarwood formation, which may be result of agarwood production, or maybe it is important reason of agarwood production. In this paper, we obtain more comprehensive and accurate community of endophytic bacteria in Aquilaria sinensis and it′s variation during agarwood formation using T-RFLP, which is first study of effects of endophytic bacteria on agarwood formation , and will help to exploit resource of endophytic bacteria more reasonably., 百拇医药(黄雅丽 邝枣园 宋梦微 张韧)