[通信作者]*奚广生,Tel:(0432)63509060,E-mail: zyxyxgs@126.com;*张连学,Tel:(0431)84533087,E-mail:zlx863@163.com
, 百拇医药
Effects of constant low temperature on cold resistance of different
strains Polygonatum odoratum
WANG Er-huan1, XU Yong-hua1, ZHANG Zhong-bao2, XU Dian-wen3, XI Guang-sheng2*, ZHANG Lian-xue1*
(1.College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China;
2.College of Chinese Traditional Medicine Science, Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University, Jilin 132101, China;
, 百拇医药
3. Taonan Training Ground, Shenyang Military Region, Taonan 137100, China)
[Abstract]In this paper, the five strains of Polygonatum odoratum were used as the experimental materials to test the supercooling point, freezing point, the degree of supercooling, the transition stage time, cooling time and water composition of the plant tissue. The cold resistance of P. odoratum was analyzed with the Gray Correlation Method. The results showed that the cold resistances of the five strains of P. odoratum were different, and the water content of plant tissue had some relevance with freezing point and supercooling point, whereas, it could not be measured when the moisture content was too low. The order of cold resistance of the five strains of P. odoratum was ZJCY, DYYZ, XYYZ, CYYZ and JZⅠ.
, 百拇医药
[Key words]Polygonatum odoratum; cold resistance; supercooling point; freezing point
玉竹Polygonatum odoratum (Mill) Druce.为百合科黄精属多年生草本植物,为食药兼用植物[1]。根据其产地不同将玉竹分为关玉竹(分布于东北)和湘玉竹(分布于湖南湖北一带)[2]。市场需求量十分巨大,据调查,我国医药行业对于玉竹的需求量约3 000~4 000 t,出口量约300万~500万t,出品创汇每年近1亿美元[3]。东北现已形成以清原、抚松、敦化、延吉为代表的关玉竹种植区域。在栽培中,春季常常出现冻害症状,对关玉竹生产的稳定发展造成巨大影响,生产上迫切需求具有抗寒特性的关玉竹。本文以5种栽培关玉竹为试验材料,对其不同部位过冷点、冰点、过冷度及水分组成进行测定。运用灰色关联度法综合分析关玉竹组织抗冷性,从而筛选抗冷性关玉竹,为关玉竹引种、抗性育种及冰温技术提供基础数据。
, 百拇医药
本试验温度数据采集系统使用多点生物温度仪(Yaxin-0233,北京雅欣理仪科技有限公司),其测温范围-40~100 ℃,精度±0.1 ℃,各传感器提前经过二等标准水银温度计校准;降温冰箱为医用低温保存箱(DW-25L-92,海尔集团);徒手切片器(27009,余姚市学友教学仪器有限公司)。, 百拇医药(王二欢 许永华 张忠宝 徐殿文 奚广生 张连学)
[通信作者]*奚广生,Tel:(0432)63509060,E-mail: zyxyxgs@126.com;*张连学,Tel:(0431)84533087,E-mail:zlx863@163.com
, 百拇医药
Effects of constant low temperature on cold resistance of different
strains Polygonatum odoratum
WANG Er-huan1, XU Yong-hua1, ZHANG Zhong-bao2, XU Dian-wen3, XI Guang-sheng2*, ZHANG Lian-xue1*
(1.College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China;
2.College of Chinese Traditional Medicine Science, Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University, Jilin 132101, China;
, 百拇医药
3. Taonan Training Ground, Shenyang Military Region, Taonan 137100, China)
[Abstract]In this paper, the five strains of Polygonatum odoratum were used as the experimental materials to test the supercooling point, freezing point, the degree of supercooling, the transition stage time, cooling time and water composition of the plant tissue. The cold resistance of P. odoratum was analyzed with the Gray Correlation Method. The results showed that the cold resistances of the five strains of P. odoratum were different, and the water content of plant tissue had some relevance with freezing point and supercooling point, whereas, it could not be measured when the moisture content was too low. The order of cold resistance of the five strains of P. odoratum was ZJCY, DYYZ, XYYZ, CYYZ and JZⅠ.
, 百拇医药
[Key words]Polygonatum odoratum; cold resistance; supercooling point; freezing point
玉竹Polygonatum odoratum (Mill) Druce.为百合科黄精属多年生草本植物,为食药兼用植物[1]。根据其产地不同将玉竹分为关玉竹(分布于东北)和湘玉竹(分布于湖南湖北一带)[2]。市场需求量十分巨大,据调查,我国医药行业对于玉竹的需求量约3 000~4 000 t,出口量约300万~500万t,出品创汇每年近1亿美元[3]。东北现已形成以清原、抚松、敦化、延吉为代表的关玉竹种植区域。在栽培中,春季常常出现冻害症状,对关玉竹生产的稳定发展造成巨大影响,生产上迫切需求具有抗寒特性的关玉竹。本文以5种栽培关玉竹为试验材料,对其不同部位过冷点、冰点、过冷度及水分组成进行测定。运用灰色关联度法综合分析关玉竹组织抗冷性,从而筛选抗冷性关玉竹,为关玉竹引种、抗性育种及冰温技术提供基础数据。
, 百拇医药
本试验温度数据采集系统使用多点生物温度仪(Yaxin-0233,北京雅欣理仪科技有限公司),其测温范围-40~100 ℃,精度±0.1 ℃,各传感器提前经过二等标准水银温度计校准;降温冰箱为医用低温保存箱(DW-25L-92,海尔集团);徒手切片器(27009,余姚市学友教学仪器有限公司)。, 百拇医药(王二欢 许永华 张忠宝 徐殿文 奚广生 张连学)