[摘要]枳实Citrus aurantium L.为常用中药,应用历史悠久,具有破气消积,化痰散痞的功效。该文就近年来枳实的化学成分、含量测定、药理作用等进行了全面综述,以期为其临床应用及产品开发提供依据。中药枳实资源丰富但种质资源复杂,不同地区采收时间各异,枳实其他成分的含量也各有不同,所以仅以单一成分为指标,并不能较好的反映药材和制剂的品质与疗效,在今后的质量评价中,应从多种成分进行综合评价。近年来,国内外学者对枳实的药理作用进行了广泛,取得了巨大进展,如若对枳实有效成分加以开发利用,发掘新药,将对传统中药枳实的开发有重要意义。
Progress in research of traditional Chinese medicine Citrus aurantium
ZHANG Xiao-xiao1, LI Zheng-yong2, MA Yu-ling3, MA Shuang-cheng4*
, http://www.100md.com
(1. School of Chinese Pharmacy, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102, China;
2. Shaanxi Momentum Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Xianyang 712000, China; 3. University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 2JD, Britain;
4. National Institute for Food and Drug Control, Beijing 100050, China)
[Abstract]Citrus aurantium is one of the most common traditional Chinese medicines. In this paper, the chemical components, content determination and pharmacological actions of C. aurantium were summarized for the comprehensive utilization of its resources. Because of the complicated resources of C. aurantium, only one singlecomponent as index couldn′t reflect the quality and effects,and comprehensive evaluation which concluding multiple componentsshould be established in the future quality control.In recent years, the pharmacological effects research of C. aurantium has made tremendous progress, and it is importantto explore new drugs from the development and utilization of the active ingredient of C. aurantium.In recent years, the pharmacological effects research of C. aurantium has made tremendous progress, and it is importantto explore new drugs from the development and utilization of the active ingredient of C. aurantium.
, http://www.100md.com
[Key words]Citrus aurantium; chemical constituent; fingerprint; content determination; pharmacology action; research progress
枳实为常用中药,应用历史悠久,始载于《神农本草经》,为芸香科植物酸橙Citrus aurantium L.及其栽培变种或甜橙C. sinensis Osbeck的干燥幼果。5~6月收集自落的果实,除去杂质,自中部横切为两半,晒干或低温干燥,较小者直接晒干或低温干燥。其味苦、辛、酸,性微寒,归脾、胃经。具有破气消积,化痰散痞的功效,主要用于治疗积滞内停,痞满胀痛,泻痢后重,大便不通,痰滞气阻,胸痹,结胸,脏器下垂[1]等症状。枳实药材资源丰富,分布广泛,其产地主要有四川、江西、湖南、福建等地,以江西产酸橙为道地药材,且以江西产鹅眼枳实质量最好[2]。药典载枳实变种主要有黄皮酸橙C. aurantium ′Huangpi′, 代代花C. aurantium ′Daidai′,朱栾C. aurantium ′Chuluan′, 塘橙C. aurantium ′Tangcheng′。所以形成了多种来源的中药枳实商品药材。近几年,国内外围绕枳实进行了大量的实验研究,本文就近年来枳实的化学成分、含量测定、药理作用进行了全面综述, 同时总结了枳实化学成分变化规律,并阐述了枳实、枳壳和青皮成分区别,以期为其临床应用及产品开发提供依据。, http://www.100md.com(张霄潇 李正勇 马玉玲 马双成)
Progress in research of traditional Chinese medicine Citrus aurantium
ZHANG Xiao-xiao1, LI Zheng-yong2, MA Yu-ling3, MA Shuang-cheng4*
, http://www.100md.com
(1. School of Chinese Pharmacy, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102, China;
2. Shaanxi Momentum Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Xianyang 712000, China; 3. University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 2JD, Britain;
4. National Institute for Food and Drug Control, Beijing 100050, China)
[Abstract]Citrus aurantium is one of the most common traditional Chinese medicines. In this paper, the chemical components, content determination and pharmacological actions of C. aurantium were summarized for the comprehensive utilization of its resources. Because of the complicated resources of C. aurantium, only one singlecomponent as index couldn′t reflect the quality and effects,and comprehensive evaluation which concluding multiple componentsshould be established in the future quality control.In recent years, the pharmacological effects research of C. aurantium has made tremendous progress, and it is importantto explore new drugs from the development and utilization of the active ingredient of C. aurantium.In recent years, the pharmacological effects research of C. aurantium has made tremendous progress, and it is importantto explore new drugs from the development and utilization of the active ingredient of C. aurantium.
, http://www.100md.com
[Key words]Citrus aurantium; chemical constituent; fingerprint; content determination; pharmacology action; research progress
枳实为常用中药,应用历史悠久,始载于《神农本草经》,为芸香科植物酸橙Citrus aurantium L.及其栽培变种或甜橙C. sinensis Osbeck的干燥幼果。5~6月收集自落的果实,除去杂质,自中部横切为两半,晒干或低温干燥,较小者直接晒干或低温干燥。其味苦、辛、酸,性微寒,归脾、胃经。具有破气消积,化痰散痞的功效,主要用于治疗积滞内停,痞满胀痛,泻痢后重,大便不通,痰滞气阻,胸痹,结胸,脏器下垂[1]等症状。枳实药材资源丰富,分布广泛,其产地主要有四川、江西、湖南、福建等地,以江西产酸橙为道地药材,且以江西产鹅眼枳实质量最好[2]。药典载枳实变种主要有黄皮酸橙C. aurantium ′Huangpi′, 代代花C. aurantium ′Daidai′,朱栾C. aurantium ′Chuluan′, 塘橙C. aurantium ′Tangcheng′。所以形成了多种来源的中药枳实商品药材。近几年,国内外围绕枳实进行了大量的实验研究,本文就近年来枳实的化学成分、含量测定、药理作用进行了全面综述, 同时总结了枳实化学成分变化规律,并阐述了枳实、枳壳和青皮成分区别,以期为其临床应用及产品开发提供依据。, http://www.100md.com(张霄潇 李正勇 马玉玲 马双成)