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http://www.100md.com 2015年3月1日 中国中药杂志 2015年第5期
     [摘要] 蒙药资源是蒙医事业发展的源头和保证,特色蒙药资源是蒙药资源中更具地域性、优质、具有鲜明民族用药特色的蒙药资源,在蒙医药领域有着不可替代的重要地位。然而近年来,由于生态环境破坏、需求量激增等原因,许多特色蒙药资源处于濒危状态,对其保护与开发利用仍存在诸多问题,必须予以足够的重视。该文从特色蒙药资源种类、保护与开发利用现状等方面进行探讨,并在此基础上对特色蒙药资源保护与开发利用今后的发展战略进行了简析,旨在为蒙医药事业快速健康发展提供一点借鉴。

    [关键词] 特色蒙药资源; 保护现状; 开发利用现状; 发展战略分析

    [收稿日期] 2014-10-14

    [基金项目] 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BA128B02);内蒙古自治区教育厅项目(NJZY13239);包头市科技计划发展项目(2013X1009,CX2014-28)
, http://www.100md.com
    [通信作者] 李旻辉,教授,E-mail:li_minhui@aliyun.com;刘勇,副教授,E-mail:yliu0126@aliyun.com

    [作者简介] 张春红,博士,教授,硕士生导师,Tel:(0472)7167795,E-mail:zchlhh@126.com

    Protection, exploitation and utilization states of specialized Mongolian

    folk medicine resources and related development strategy

    ZHANG Chun-hong, MAN Da, WU Guo-dong, LI Zhen-hua, ZHAO Dong-dong, LIU Yong, LI Min-hui
, 百拇医药
    (1. Baotou Medical College, Baotou 014060, China;

    2.Darhan Muminggan United Banner Mongolian hospital, Darhan Muminggan United Banner 014500, China;

    3. Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102, China;

    4. Inner Mongolia Institute of Chinese Medicine, Hohhot 010020, China)

    [Abstract] Mongolian folk medicine resource is the origin of Mongolian medicine development, even more important of which is the specialized Mongolian folk medicine resources with regional and high medicine quality, it processes distinctive national characteristics with irreplaceable important position in traditional Mongolian medicine. Nevertheless, due to the serious destroy of ecological environment and sharp increase of demands, etc. A lot of specialized Mongolian folk medicine resources were endangered, and there still existed some problems in the protection and exploitation and utilization. This paper intends to provide comprehensive insight into the species protection and exploitation and utilization states of specialized Mongolian folk medicine resources. The application and protection status and the existing problems were reviewed, and the development strategies of Mongolian folk medicine resource were analyzed.
, 百拇医药
    [Key words] specialized Mongolian folk medicine resources; protection status; exploitation and utilization states; development strategy


    内蒙古自治区幅员广阔,气候土壤类型复杂多变,药用资源非常丰富,素有“天然药物之乡”之美誉,其中特色蒙药,如肉苁蓉、麻黄、锁阳、甘草等在国内外均享有很高的声誉。然而近年来,由于生态环境的破坏、需求量的激增、人们掠夺式的采挖等原因,许多特色蒙药野生资源处于濒危状态,严重影响了蒙医药事业的发展。针对特色蒙药资源的抢救、保护与开发利用,必须予以足够的重视。本文就特色蒙药资源种类、保护与开发利用现状及存在的问题进行探讨,并在此基础上对特色蒙药资源今后的保护与开发利用进行简析,旨在为内蒙古蒙医药事业的发展提供一些参考和启迪。, http://www.100md.com(张春红 满达 邬国栋 李振华 赵冬冬 刘勇 李旻辉)
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