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http://www.100md.com 2015年3月15日 中国中药杂志 2015年第6期


    Quality analysis of Guizhi Fuling capsule before and after

    application of in-process quality control in pharmaceutical production
, http://www.100md.com
    LI Jia-chun1,3, WANG Jin-ling1,2, WU Jing-ling/1, HUANG Wen-zhe1,2,WANG Zhen-zhong1,2, XIAO Wei1,2*

    (1.Jangsu Kanion Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Lianyungang 222001, China;

    2.State Key Laboratory of New-tech for Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Process, Lianyungang 222001, China;

    3.China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 210009, China)

    [Abstracts]The effects of application of in-process quality control in Guizhi Fuling capsule production were evaluated by 192 batches data analysis. Using a statistical analysis method, each batch of data were to be counted to research for the difference between 96 samples adopting the technologies of in-process control or not. According to quality standards of Guizhi Fuling capsule, all measurements of the 192 batches of the drugs before and after the application of process control technology were analyzed, and they were within the rules. There was a significant difference between adopting the technologies of process control or not. Application of in-process control technology can improve the uniformity of lot-to-lot for Guizhi Fuling capsule.
, http://www.100md.com
    [Key words]Guizhi Fuling capsule; in-process control; quality; uniformity


    桂枝茯苓胶囊是基于汉代名医张仲景的《金匮要略》研发的胶囊剂,处方由桂枝、茯苓、白芍、牡丹皮、桃仁5味药组成,具有活血、化瘀、消散结之功效。临床上常用于原发性痛经、子宫肌瘤、子宫内膜异位症、卵巢囊肿等妇科血瘀证的治疗[1],目前该药品已在美国完成Ⅱa期临床试验。该产品的临床有效性、安全性已得到广大医生和患者的认可。近些年来,随着新的质控理念、质控方法及质控技术的不断涌现,如质量源于设计的理念(QbD,quality by design)、过程质量控制(in-process quality control)、过程分析技术(PAT,process analytical technology)及效应成分的快速发现技术的提出及应用,都在不断改变着中药质量控制的传统模式[2-7]。从注重终产品不多指标的检验,到注重产品从药材、生产过程到终产品系统的质量设计与控制,从注重产品的检验合格到注重产品批间内在质量的均一性转变。本文就桂枝茯苓胶囊应用过程控制方法及相关技术前后的批间质量统计分析,以考察其前后质量的稳定性。


    Agilent 1100型高效液相色谱仪;Agilent 6890型气相色谱仪,series-5973 GC-MS 气相色谱仪,FID检测器,自动进样器;BP211D型电子天平(德国 Sartorius);Milli-Q Academic 纯水机(法国 Millipore);HH数显恒温水浴锅(金城国胜实验仪器厂);KQ5200DA型数控超声波仪(昆山市超声仪器有限公司);岛津UV-2700紫外分光光度计,RCZ-8M溶出试验仪(天津市天大天发科技有限公司);ZBS-6E智能崩解试验仪(天津市天大天发科技有限公司)。甲醇,乙腈(色谱级,美国TEDIA公司);甲苯,乙醚,盐酸,乙醇,三乙胺(分析纯,南京化学试剂有限公司)。, http://www.100md.com(李家春 王金玲 伍静玲 黄文哲 王振中 萧伟)
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