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http://www.100md.com 2015年3月15日 中国中药杂志 2015年第6期


    Quality classification standard of Scrophularia ningpoensis seedlings

    ZHANG Xue, CHEN Da-xia, TAN Jun, LI Long-yun*
, http://www.100md.com
    (Institute of Material Medical Planting, Chongqing Academy of Chinese Materia Medica, Chongqing Engineering

    Research Center for Fine Variety Breeding Techniques of Chinese Materia Medica, Chongqing Key Laboratory of

    Chinese Medicine Resources, Chongqing Sub-center of National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Science, Chongqing 400065, China)

    [Abstract]The morphological indexes of the Scuophularia ningpoensis seedlings including the longth, diameter and weight were measured, clustering analysis was used to set up the standard quality grading of seedlings of S. Ningpoensis by SPSS. Field experiment was carried out to measure the indicators of plants growth and development, the yield and the quality. The results showed that the growth and yield of classⅠ seedlings were better than those of class Ⅱ and Ⅲ. The content of main active ingredients was affected barely by seedlings classification. To ensure the quality, class II seedlings or above should be used for plantation. The established quality classification standard of S. ningpoensis seedlings was scientific and feasible, and provides the basis for the standardized cultivation of S. ningpoensis.
, 百拇医药
    [Key words]Scrophularia ningpoensis; seedlings; quality classification standard


    玄参为玄参科植物玄参Scrophularia ningpoensis Hemsl.的干燥根,为我国常用中药材,始载于《神农本草经》,列为中品,《中国药典》2010年版一部收载。味甘、苦、咸,性微寒,具有清热凉血,滋阴降火,解毒散结等功效。用于热入营血,温毒发斑,热病伤阴,舌绛烦渴,津伤便秘,骨蒸劳嗽,目赤,咽痛,白喉,瘰疬,痈肿疮毒等病症[1]。玄参主要靠子芽繁殖,子芽即着生于玄参基部,能萌发生长为玄参植株的根芽。近年来,玄参的栽培研究主要处于繁殖、施肥、采收、加工和栽培类型等层面[2-4],目前重庆玄参子芽的生产和经营,主要靠药农自种、自繁、自用或到药材市场上去购买子芽进行生产,处于一种无章可循、无法可依的粗放式半原始状况。各区县乡镇玄参种植户判定玄参子芽级别的方法不尽相同,目前仅浙江省制定了玄参种栽的地方标准[5],还没有全国统一的标准。优良的种子、种苗是中药材质量优质稳定的基础。目前为止,我国只有少量的中药材品种进行了种子种苗分级标准研究[6-7],中药材种子、种苗标准化工作严重滞后,制约了中药材GAP的推进[8]。为从源头把住中药材质量关,保证玄参药材的高产和优质,有必要对玄参子芽进行质量分级,制定玄参子芽质量参数标准,为制定玄参规范化生产操作规程(SOP)提供依据。


    实验所用玄参子芽为于2010—2014年收集的重庆、四川、湖北、贵州、浙江、陕西等玄参的主产区田间栽培的玄参子芽,共计61份样品。样品编号及产地见表1。, http://www.100md.com(张雪 陈大霞 谭均 李隆云)
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