[Abstract]In order to investigate the content and distribution of available element in the rhizonsphere soil of the growing areas of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, the contents of available element (N,P,K,B,Cu,Zn,Fe,Mn) in 26 soil samples were tested and evaluated The results showed that the contents of available P and Fe were very plentiful, available K, Cu and Zn were rich, available N and Mn were deficient, available B was extremely deficient in all growing areas of S miltiorrhiza of eight provinces in China The correlation analysis showed that the contents of eight kinds of available elements were varying degree correlation The stepwise regression analysis between the contents of available elements of rhizonsphere soil and ten kinds of active ingredients of Danshen (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma) were researched The results showed that the rates of contribution of available N,B,Mn and Fe to quality of Danshen were relatively large and they were the significant factors, and the other factors did not show statistical significance The recommended fertilizing strategies is that the usage of N,B and Mn fertilizers should be controlled according to different stages of growth of S miltiorrhiza, and P fertilizer should be reduced in all growing areas of S miltiorrhiza
[Key words]Salvia miltiorrhiza; rhizonsphere soil; the effectiveness of element; active ingredient
土壤是植物营养元素的主要来源,土壤中元素含量、形态分布和有效性不仅与成土母质和成土过程等有关,还受耕作制度、施用肥料和种植作物等因素的影响[1]。根际是植物和土壤相互作用的界面,也是物质和能量交换的结点[2]。植物通过根际分泌行为影响着土壤营养元素的形态和有效性[34],从而影响植物的生长发育、代谢活动和元素积累[56]。无机元素对药用植物生长发育和有效成分积累密切相关[79]。研究表明,大量元素缺乏有利于丹参酮类物质积累[10],铁、锰、锌、硼和铜微肥能促进丹参干物质累积[1113],适宜氮磷钾配比有利于丹参根发育和有效成分积累[1416]。然而,对根际土壤元素有效性与药用植物活性关系的研究报道甚少,同时中药又具有多品种、多道地的特征,这给我国学者探讨无机元素与药材品质形成的关系,以及施肥管理研究增添了新的难度。本研究以多道地性的丹参Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge为研究对象,测定了全国8个省25个产地丹参根际土壤中元素有效态的含量,分析根际土壤元素有效性与丹参品质的关系。对研究无机元素对丹参品质的影响,充分发挥微量元素在药用植物生产的作用,制定栽培生产中施肥管理策略具有重要意义。
2007年11月中旬至12月上旬,在全国8个省25个丹参产地采集栽培或野生丹参的根和根际土壤,采用GPS定位仪定位(表1)。采用“S”型平行采样多点混合法,每份样品为20~25点采集,根际土壤采用抖根法[17]收集,最后经四分法获取分析用样品,其中根际土保留2 kg/份,药用部位5 kg/份。样品采集后快速运回实验室,药材经常规加工处理,土壤样品风干处理,备用。
12元素有效性测定 (沈晓凤 张琦 严铸云 杨新杰 郭晓恒 陈新 万德光)
[Abstract]In order to investigate the content and distribution of available element in the rhizonsphere soil of the growing areas of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, the contents of available element (N,P,K,B,Cu,Zn,Fe,Mn) in 26 soil samples were tested and evaluated The results showed that the contents of available P and Fe were very plentiful, available K, Cu and Zn were rich, available N and Mn were deficient, available B was extremely deficient in all growing areas of S miltiorrhiza of eight provinces in China The correlation analysis showed that the contents of eight kinds of available elements were varying degree correlation The stepwise regression analysis between the contents of available elements of rhizonsphere soil and ten kinds of active ingredients of Danshen (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma) were researched The results showed that the rates of contribution of available N,B,Mn and Fe to quality of Danshen were relatively large and they were the significant factors, and the other factors did not show statistical significance The recommended fertilizing strategies is that the usage of N,B and Mn fertilizers should be controlled according to different stages of growth of S miltiorrhiza, and P fertilizer should be reduced in all growing areas of S miltiorrhiza
[Key words]Salvia miltiorrhiza; rhizonsphere soil; the effectiveness of element; active ingredient
土壤是植物营养元素的主要来源,土壤中元素含量、形态分布和有效性不仅与成土母质和成土过程等有关,还受耕作制度、施用肥料和种植作物等因素的影响[1]。根际是植物和土壤相互作用的界面,也是物质和能量交换的结点[2]。植物通过根际分泌行为影响着土壤营养元素的形态和有效性[34],从而影响植物的生长发育、代谢活动和元素积累[56]。无机元素对药用植物生长发育和有效成分积累密切相关[79]。研究表明,大量元素缺乏有利于丹参酮类物质积累[10],铁、锰、锌、硼和铜微肥能促进丹参干物质累积[1113],适宜氮磷钾配比有利于丹参根发育和有效成分积累[1416]。然而,对根际土壤元素有效性与药用植物活性关系的研究报道甚少,同时中药又具有多品种、多道地的特征,这给我国学者探讨无机元素与药材品质形成的关系,以及施肥管理研究增添了新的难度。本研究以多道地性的丹参Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge为研究对象,测定了全国8个省25个产地丹参根际土壤中元素有效态的含量,分析根际土壤元素有效性与丹参品质的关系。对研究无机元素对丹参品质的影响,充分发挥微量元素在药用植物生产的作用,制定栽培生产中施肥管理策略具有重要意义。
2007年11月中旬至12月上旬,在全国8个省25个丹参产地采集栽培或野生丹参的根和根际土壤,采用GPS定位仪定位(表1)。采用“S”型平行采样多点混合法,每份样品为20~25点采集,根际土壤采用抖根法[17]收集,最后经四分法获取分析用样品,其中根际土保留2 kg/份,药用部位5 kg/份。样品采集后快速运回实验室,药材经常规加工处理,土壤样品风干处理,备用。
12元素有效性测定 (沈晓凤 张琦 严铸云 杨新杰 郭晓恒 陈新 万德光)