闂佸搫鐗忛崰搴ㄥ垂閿燂拷: 閻庣敻鍋婇崰鏇熺┍婵犲洤妫橀柛銉㈡櫇瑜帮拷 闂侀潻璐熼崝搴ㄥ吹鎼淬垻鈻曢柨鏂垮⒔濞硷拷 闁荤姍鍐仾闁哄鍓濈粙澶屸偓锝庡幗缁侊拷 闂佺ǹ顑冮崕閬嶅箖瀹ュ绾ч柛灞炬皑缁狅拷 闂佺缈伴崕閬嶅垂閺冨牊鐒诲璺虹灱濡烇拷 闂佺硶鏅炲▍锝夈€侀崨鏉戠閻犲洤妯婇崝锟� 婵炴垶鎸诲ḿ娆戣姳閵夆晛绀岄悹鍥ф▕閸旓拷 闂佽偐鐡旈崹浼搭敆閿燂拷 闁诲孩鍐婚梽鍕叏閿燂拷 婵炴垶鎼╅崢鐓幟瑰Δ鍛閻犲洤妯婇崝锟� 闂佸憡顨忛崑鍡涘极閹捐绠戦柡鍕禋閸燂拷
婵烇絽娲︾换鍌涚閿燂拷: 闂佸搫鍊烽崡鍐差渻閿燂拷 闁荤姴娲ょ€氼垶顢欓敓锟� 闁荤喐鐟ュΛ娑㈠磻閿燂拷 闁汇埄鍨遍悺鏇㈡儊閿燂拷 闂佹眹鍊曟晶钘夘潖閿燂拷 闂佹眹鍎卞ú銊︽叏閿燂拷 闂佺ǹ绻楀畷鐢稿极閿燂拷 闂佺儵鍋撻崝蹇撶暤閿燂拷 闂佺缈伴崐妤呭箖閿燂拷 闂佽鍏欓崕鏌ュ疾閿燂拷 闂佺ǹ顑冮崕鎾閿燂拷 缂傚倸娲ゆ鎼侇敊閿燂拷 婵炴垶鎸堕崐鏍焵椤掑﹥瀚� 闂佺厧寮惰ぐ鍐礉閿燂拷 闂佹椿婢侀幏锟� 婵犻潧鍋婇幏锟� 闂佺厧搴滈幏锟� 闁诲繐楠忛幏锟� 闂佹悶鍎茬粙鎴︻敆閿燂拷 闁荤姴娲╁畷鍨櫠閿燂拷 闂佸搫娲﹀ḿ娆撍囬敓锟�
婵炴垶鎼╅崢鑲╀焊閿燂拷: 闁汇埄鍨遍悺鏇㈡儊閿燂拷 闂佽桨鐒﹂悷锕€岣块敓锟� 闂佽鍓氱换鍡涘焵椤掑﹥瀚� 婵炴垶鎼╅崣鈧€规搫鎷� 闂佸憡鐗炲畷鐢稿箖閿燂拷 婵炴垶鎸诲ḿ娆戣姳閿燂拷 闂備浇妫勯悧鎾活敁閿燂拷 濠殿喗蓱閸ㄨ泛螞閿燂拷 闂佸搫鍊稿ú銈団偓纰夋嫹 闂佹垝鐒﹂妵鐐电礊閿燂拷 婵°倗濮撮張顒勫蓟閿燂拷 闂佹悶鍎插畷妯侯潩閿燂拷 婵$偛顑囬崰鎾诲几閿燂拷 闂佽偐鐡旈崹铏櫠閿燂拷 闂佽偐鐡旈崹顖滅箔閿燂拷 闂佽偐鐡旈崹鎵博閿燂拷 闂佸搫鍊规刊钘夌暤閿燂拷 闂佺懓鍚嬬划搴ㄥ磼閿燂拷 闂佸吋妲掓ご鎼佸几閿燂拷
当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中国中药杂志》 > 2016年第10期 > 正文



    [Abstract]A large number and wide varieties of microorganisms colonize in the human gastrointestinal tract They construct an intestinal microecological system in the intestinal environment The intestinal symbiotic flora regulates a series of life actions, including digestion and absorption of nutrient, immune response, biological antagonism, and is closely associated with the occurrence and development of many diseases Therefore, it is greatly essential for the host′s health status to maintain the equilibrium of intestinal microecological environment After effective compositions of traditional Chinese medicines are metabolized or biotransformed by human intestinal bacteria, their metabolites can be absorbed more easily, and can even decrease or increase toxicity and then exhibit significant different biological effects Meanwhile, traditional Chinese medicines can also regulate the composition of the intestinal flora and protect the function of intestinal mucosal barrier to restore the homeostasis of intestinal microecology The relevant literatures in recent 15 years about the interactive relationship between traditional Chinese medicines and gut microbiota have been collected in this review, in order to study the classification of gut microflora, the relationship between intestinal dysbacteriosis and diseases, the important roles of gut microflora in intestinal bacterial metabolism in effective ingredients of traditional Chinese medicines and bioactivities, as well as the modulation effects of Chinese medicine on intestinal dysbacteriosis In addition, it also makes a future prospect for the research strategies to study the mechanism of action of traditional Chinese medicines based on multiomics techniques

    [Key words]intestinal microbiota; traditional Chinese medicine; effective ingredients; disease; metabolism; interaction


    人的皮肤、消化道、呼吸道、泌尿生殖道等部位寄居着种类和数量繁多的微生物,包括细菌、真菌、寄生虫及病毒,其中绝大多数微生物生活在人体消化道内[1]。与人体共生的微生物绝大部分是由细菌菌群组成的,在人体胃肠道中共生着超过1 000种,总质量约15 kg的细菌[2]。定植在肠道内的细菌的细胞总数约1×1014个,是人体自身细胞数量的10倍[3],如此庞大的细菌群落被当作是人体的超级“器官”[4]。从基因层面上看,人体自身约23万个基因,而胃肠道内的微生物基因总数至少是人体的150倍[5]。因此,正如Joshua Lederberg提出的“人体是由真核细胞与体内共生的微生物群落共同组成的超级生物体(superorganism)”[6]。正常情况下,人体与其体内共生菌相互作用并构成相对平衡的统一体。“肠道元基因组(gut metagenome)”与人体自身基因组共同影响人体的病理生理和药物代谢[78]。 (祖先鹏 林璋 谢海胜 杨鸟 刘心如 张卫东)
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