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[责任编辑 吕冬梅] (李滢 匡雪君 孙超 陈士林)
[8] Duret L, Mouchiroud D. Expression pattern and, surprisingly, gene length shape codon usage in Caenorhabditis, Drosophila, and Arabidopsis[J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 1999, 96:4482.
[9] Wright F. The "effective number of codons" used in a gene[J]. Gene, 1990, 87:23.
[10] Jiang Y, Deng F, Wang H, et al. An extensive analysis on the global codon usage pattern of baculoviruses[J]. Arch Virol, 2008, 153:2273.
[11] Ma L, Cui P, Zhu J, et al. Translational selection in human: more pronounced in housekeeping genes[J]. Biol Direct, 2014, 9:17.
[12] 张乐,金龙国,罗玲,等. 大豆基因组和转录组的核基因密码子使用偏好性分析[J]. 作物学报,2011(6):965.
[13] 朱孝轩,朱英杰,宋经元,等. 基于全基因组和转录组分析的赤芝密码子使用偏好性比较研究[J]. 药学学报,2014(9):1340.
[14] 何柳,朱英杰,孙超. 金银花中表达基因密码子偏好性分析[J]. 世界科学技术——中医药现代化,2013(3):360.
[15] Paddon C J, Westfall P J, Pitera D J, et al. High-level semi-synthetic production of the potent antimalarial artemisinin[J]. Nature, 2013, 496:528.
[责任编辑 吕冬梅] (李滢 匡雪君 孙超 陈士林)