[摘要] 利用UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS对同一批枳壳药材生品饮片及其炮制品进行分析,比较炮制前后成分变化,探讨粤港枳壳饮片发酵炮制机制的物质基础。通过比对生品与炮制品的正负离子模式离子流出峰,并以化合物炮制前后离子峰面积比为炮制前后变化指数进行比对。结果发现枳壳经发酵炮制后,产生圣草酚-7-O-葡糖苷、橙皮素-7-O-葡萄糖苷、5-去甲基川陈皮素等3个新生成分,并可显著增加柚皮素和橙皮素成分,以及明显增加柠檬苦素,sudachinoid A,黄柏酮酸,诺米林酸等柠檬苦素类衍生物成分。提示粤港枳壳饮片所采用的发酵为主的方法对提升炮制品的生物活性和生物利用率,增强临床疗效具有重要意义,值得加强保护和进一步推广。
[Abstract] To explore the processing mechanism of Aurantii Fructus decoction pieces used in Guangdong province and Hong Kong by analysing the chemical variation between raw and processed Aurantii Fructus with different methods based on UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS. The total ion chromatograms detected in positive and negative ion modes ......
您现在查看是摘要页,全文长 3421 字符。
[Abstract] To explore the processing mechanism of Aurantii Fructus decoction pieces used in Guangdong province and Hong Kong by analysing the chemical variation between raw and processed Aurantii Fructus with different methods based on UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS. The total ion chromatograms detected in positive and negative ion modes ......
您现在查看是摘要页,全文长 3421 字符。