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[责任编辑 丁广治] (代华年 马国需 邹节明 钟小清 周艳林 吕高荣 王云卿 袁经权 许旭东)
[18] 李娇, 郑纺, 翟丽娟, 等 三萜类化合物抗肿瘤活性研究进展[J] 中草药, 2014, 45(15): 2265
[19] 张云峰, 魏东, 邓雁如,等 三萜皂苷的生物活性研究新进展[J]中成药, 2006, 28(9):1349
[20] Lin C H, Chang H S, Liao H R, et al Triterpenoids from the roots of Rhaphiolepis indica var tashiroi and their antiinflammatory activity [J] Int J Mo Sci, 2013, 14(5): 8890
[21] Yan M, Zhu Y, Zhang H J, et al Antiinflammatory secondary metabolites from the leaves of Rosa laevigata [J] Bioorg Med Chem, 2013, 21(11):3290
[22] Norihiro B, Toshihiro A, Harukuni T, et alAntiinflammatory and antitumorpromoting effects of the triterpene acids from the leaves of Eriobotrya japonica [J]Biol Pharm Bull, 2005, 28(10):1995
[23] Ryu S Y, Lee C K, Ahn J W, et al Antiviral activity of triterpenoid derivatives [J] Arch Pharm Res, 1993, 16(4):339
[24] Zhang L J, Cheng J J, Liao C C, et al Triterpene acids from Euscaphis japonica and assessment of their cytotoxic and antiNO activities [J] Planta Med, 2012, 78(14):1584
[责任编辑 丁广治] (代华年 马国需 邹节明 钟小清 周艳林 吕高荣 王云卿 袁经权 许旭东)