[摘要] 大叶冬青为苦丁茶的主要基源植物,三萜皂苷为其主要的活性和特征性成分。该研究从大叶冬青叶中分离得到了2个新的三萜皂苷类化合物,大叶冬青皂苷 R (1)和大叶冬青皂苷S (2),并根据NMR,MS等波谱方法和理化性质鉴定了其化学结构。其中大叶冬青皂苷R为第1个含有1928内酯环的三萜皂苷。
[关键词] 冬青科; 大叶冬青; 三萜皂苷
[Abstract] Two new triterpenoid glycosides, latifolosides R and S (1 and 2), were isolated from the leaves of Ilex latifolia by various column chromatographic methods. Their structures were elucidated based on NMR spectroscopic data and chemical evidence.
[Key words] Aquifoliaceae; Ilex latifolia; triterpenoid glycoside
The leaves of Ilex latifolia Thunb. (Aquifoliaceae) ......
您现在查看是摘要页,全文长 2772 字符。
[关键词] 冬青科; 大叶冬青; 三萜皂苷
[Abstract] Two new triterpenoid glycosides, latifolosides R and S (1 and 2), were isolated from the leaves of Ilex latifolia by various column chromatographic methods. Their structures were elucidated based on NMR spectroscopic data and chemical evidence.
[Key words] Aquifoliaceae; Ilex latifolia; triterpenoid glycoside
The leaves of Ilex latifolia Thunb. (Aquifoliaceae) ......
您现在查看是摘要页,全文长 2772 字符。