[摘要]该文研究了镧对丹参毛状根中活性物质积累及其合成途径中酶基因表达的影响,为揭示土壤因子镧影响丹参药材品质形成的环境机制奠定基础。采用HPLC测定丹参毛状根中活性物质含量;采用Tiangen多糖多酚植物总RNA提取试剂盒提取RNA,采用Takara反转录试剂盒合成cDNA,采用PCR荧光定量试剂盒进行实时定量分析,采用SPSS软件进行数据分析。结果显示镧处理对丹参毛状根内丹参酮类和酚酸类的积累表现出显著的促进效应,处理后9 d其酚酸类成分含量达到峰值,丹参酮类成分含量随处理时间的延长而增加(15 d内);镧处理后丹参体内活性物质积累的峰值时间相对滞后于酶基因表达的峰值时期,FPPS,TAT,HPPR 3个酶基因与丹参酮ⅡA、迷迭香酸和丹酚酸B含量变化趋势相似,暗示FPPS,TAT,HPPR 3个酶基因在镧诱导的丹参活性物质积累中发挥重要作用。
[关键词]丹参; 毛状根; 活性物质; 关键酶基因
Effect of Lanthanum on accumulation of active constituent and key enzymes expression of Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy root
BIAN Lihua1,3, ZOU Lin1, ZHOU Bingqian1, LIU Wei1, ZHOU Jie1,2*, WANG Xiao1
(1Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Quality Control Technology, Shandong Analysis and
Test Center, Ji′nan 250014, China;
2 School of Biological Science and Technology,University of Ji′nan, Ji′nan 250012, China;
3 Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ji′nan 250355, China)
[Abstract]The effect of Lanthanum on the accumulation of active constituent and key enzymes expression of Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy root were studied and furthermore signaling molecules mediating the synthesis of secondary metabolism was also defined in order to provide references for the reveal of synthesis mechanism of active constituent of S miltiorrhiza hairy root inducing by Lanthanum The content of active constituents were detected by HPLC RNA was extracted with RNA prep Pure RNA purification kit (Tiangen) The results shows that LaCl3 processing promoted the accumulation of tanshinones and phenolic acids in S miltiorrhiza hairy root The accumulation of phenolic acids reached the highest at 9 d after treatment, and tanshinones accumulation continued to increase in 15 days Accumulation of active substance in S miltiorrhiza may relate with FPPS, TAT, HPPR several key enzyme activation
[Key words]Salvia miltiorrhiza; hairy root; active substance; key enzymes
道地藥材是人们传统公认且来源于特定产地的名优正品药材,是中药材的精髓所在,也是历代医家防病治病最有力的武器之一[1]。丹参为唇形科植物丹参Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge的干燥根和根茎,具有活血祛瘀、通经止痛、清心除烦、凉血消痈等功效[2],属于我国常用大宗药材,是临床上治疗心脑血管疾病的要药之一[3]。道地药材品质的形成与生态环境关系密切[4],而关于丹参道地药材品质形成的环境因子及其作用机制尚未深入研究。
土壤因子是重要的生态因子,也是影响药材产量和品质形成的重要因素[5]。稀土是由原子序数为57~71的镧系元素以及与之性质极为相似的钪、钇共17种元素组成。镧(La)是一种典型的稀土,地壳中镧约为0001 83%,稀土能够影响药材中活性物质的积累[6]。据报道山东丹参道地产区土壤中La达到27 mg·kg-1[7],丹参中La超过843 mg·kg-1,远高于水稻、玉米、大麦等作物[8],推测土壤中的镧元素是影响山东丹参道地药材品质形成的重要生态因子。预实验发现La处理后丹参中活性物质的含量发生显著变化,而La影响丹参中活性物质积累的机制尚未深入探讨。本文拟以丹参毛状根为试材,研究La处理对丹参毛状根中活性物质积累及其生物合成途径中关键酶基因表达的影响,探讨丹参中活性成分及其关键酶基因对镧的响应特点,为揭示丹参道地药材形成的环境机制奠定基础。 (边丽华 邹琳 周冰谦刘伟周洁)
[关键词]丹参; 毛状根; 活性物质; 关键酶基因
Effect of Lanthanum on accumulation of active constituent and key enzymes expression of Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy root
BIAN Lihua1,3, ZOU Lin1, ZHOU Bingqian1, LIU Wei1, ZHOU Jie1,2*, WANG Xiao1
(1Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Quality Control Technology, Shandong Analysis and
Test Center, Ji′nan 250014, China;
2 School of Biological Science and Technology,University of Ji′nan, Ji′nan 250012, China;
3 Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ji′nan 250355, China)
[Abstract]The effect of Lanthanum on the accumulation of active constituent and key enzymes expression of Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy root were studied and furthermore signaling molecules mediating the synthesis of secondary metabolism was also defined in order to provide references for the reveal of synthesis mechanism of active constituent of S miltiorrhiza hairy root inducing by Lanthanum The content of active constituents were detected by HPLC RNA was extracted with RNA prep Pure RNA purification kit (Tiangen) The results shows that LaCl3 processing promoted the accumulation of tanshinones and phenolic acids in S miltiorrhiza hairy root The accumulation of phenolic acids reached the highest at 9 d after treatment, and tanshinones accumulation continued to increase in 15 days Accumulation of active substance in S miltiorrhiza may relate with FPPS, TAT, HPPR several key enzyme activation
[Key words]Salvia miltiorrhiza; hairy root; active substance; key enzymes
道地藥材是人们传统公认且来源于特定产地的名优正品药材,是中药材的精髓所在,也是历代医家防病治病最有力的武器之一[1]。丹参为唇形科植物丹参Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge的干燥根和根茎,具有活血祛瘀、通经止痛、清心除烦、凉血消痈等功效[2],属于我国常用大宗药材,是临床上治疗心脑血管疾病的要药之一[3]。道地药材品质的形成与生态环境关系密切[4],而关于丹参道地药材品质形成的环境因子及其作用机制尚未深入研究。
土壤因子是重要的生态因子,也是影响药材产量和品质形成的重要因素[5]。稀土是由原子序数为57~71的镧系元素以及与之性质极为相似的钪、钇共17种元素组成。镧(La)是一种典型的稀土,地壳中镧约为0001 83%,稀土能够影响药材中活性物质的积累[6]。据报道山东丹参道地产区土壤中La达到27 mg·kg-1[7],丹参中La超过843 mg·kg-1,远高于水稻、玉米、大麦等作物[8],推测土壤中的镧元素是影响山东丹参道地药材品质形成的重要生态因子。预实验发现La处理后丹参中活性物质的含量发生显著变化,而La影响丹参中活性物质积累的机制尚未深入探讨。本文拟以丹参毛状根为试材,研究La处理对丹参毛状根中活性物质积累及其生物合成途径中关键酶基因表达的影响,探讨丹参中活性成分及其关键酶基因对镧的响应特点,为揭示丹参道地药材形成的环境机制奠定基础。 (边丽华 邹琳 周冰谦刘伟周洁)