[摘要] 中西药联合用药在临床真实世界广泛而普遍存在,国家政策强调并重。中西药联合应用的研究,有利于临床精准定位,进而促进中成药产品和中药企业自我定位,立足合适的应用领域,为中药产业深化发展提供方向;中西药联合应用临床评价及机制的研究,为国家相关卫生政策的制定,医疗资源的公平可及提供依据。
[关键词] 联合用药;精准定位;注册登记;医疗电子数据;真实世界
[Abstract] Combined application of Chinese and western medicine is widespread in clinical real world because national policy emphasizes both Chinese medicine and western medicine. The studies on the combined use of Chinese and western medicine,are conducive to clinical precise positioning ......
您现在查看是摘要页,全文长 4325 字符。
[关键词] 联合用药;精准定位;注册登记;医疗电子数据;真实世界
[Abstract] Combined application of Chinese and western medicine is widespread in clinical real world because national policy emphasizes both Chinese medicine and western medicine. The studies on the combined use of Chinese and western medicine,are conducive to clinical precise positioning ......
您现在查看是摘要页,全文长 4325 字符。