[摘要]以主成分分析(PCA)和方差分析法(ANOVA)研究雷公藤属植物化学成分的含量与物种相关性,并比较3个物种间的差异。采用PF6离子液体超声辅助萃取,HPLC法测定28批雷公藤属植物中雷公藤晋碱、雷公藤碱庚、雷酚内酯、雷公藤次碱、雷公藤醌A、雷公藤甲素、雷公藤红素、儿茶素、表儿茶素、表没食子儿茶素和没食子儿茶素11个成分的含量,并进行主成分分析(PCA)、偏最小二乘法(PLS)和方差分析(ANOVA)。结果显示,雷公藤属植物3个物种中11个化学成分的含量测定结果在PCA和PLS分析结果中分别聚集在3个区域,其中雷公藤醌A是影响3个物种分别聚集的最大因素;而且11个化学成分的含量在3个物种间有显著性差异(P<0000 1),表明化学成分与物种的分类有一定的相关性,3个物种间化学成分含量差异明显。该实验含量测定方法快速准确,分析方法简单方便,为雷公藤属植物的物种分类、药效和毒性研究等提供参考。
[关键词]雷公藤属; 化学成分; 含量测定; 主成分分析; 偏最小二乘法; 方差分析; 差异性
, 百拇医药
Studies on difference of chemical compositions in plant
species of Tripterygium genus
CHEN Yilong, LIU Xiang, QU Xianyou, YAO Yuanyuan, LI Na, LIANG Xuming,ZHANG Yuyu, YANG Dajian*, ZHANG Xiaomei*
(Chongqing Academy of Chinese Traditional Materia Medica, Chongqing 400065, China)
[Abstract]We studied the content of chemical compositions and correlation among species of Tripterygium genus by principal component analysis(PCA) and variance analysis(ANOVA), and we also studied the difference among the 3 speciesUsing PF6 ionic liquidbased ultrasonicassisted extraction, we determined the contents of 11 compounds including wilforgine, wilforzine, triptophenolide, wilforine, triptoquinone A, triptolide, tripterin, egallocatechin, epigallocatechin, catechin, and epicatechin in 28 batches of the Tripterygium species by HPLC and PCA Partial least squares analysis (PLS) and ANOVA were also performed to verify the resultsThe analysis results of PCA and PLS showed that three species of Tripterygium genus were clustered into three regions respectively, and triptoquinone A was the important factor which affected the aggregation of these three speciesThere was a significant difference among the contents of 11 chemical components in the three species(P<0000 1)These results indicated that there was a certain correlation between the chemical compositions and the classification of the species, and the difference of the chemical compositions among the three species was obvious In this work, the content determination method is rapid and accurate, and the analysis method is simple and convenient, which provides a reference for the classification, the efficacy and the toxicity of the species
, 百拇医药
[Key words]Tripterygium genus plants; chemical compositions; content determination; principal component analysis; partial least squares analysis; variance analysis; difference
雷公藤屬植物系卫矛科植物,中国雷公藤全属有3个种雷公藤Tripterygium wilfordii Hook、昆明山海棠T hypoglaucum(Levl) Hutch和东北雷公藤T regelii Sprague et Takeda 3个物种[1],作为传统中药材,有着悠久的沿用历史,具有祛风除湿,活血通络,消肿止痛等功效,广泛用于类风湿性关节炎、红斑狼疮等自身免疫性疾病。该属植物在分类学上一直存在一定的争议,修订版《Flora of China》将上述3个种合并为雷公藤T wilfordii [2],刘万水等[3]通过RAPD分析发现雷公藤与昆明山海棠的种间界限模糊,Sue KaYee[4]通过 ITS 和 5S rDNA序列表明雷公藤与昆明山海棠区分不明显;刘超[56]发现雷公藤和昆明山海棠根和叶的代谢产物差异显著,呈地方区域性不同。而在毒性研究[78]结果中同样差异显著,表明其药效物质基础有一定的差异。, http://www.100md.com(陈一龙 刘翔 瞿显友 姚媛媛 励娜 梁旭明 张渝渝 杨大坚 张小梅)
[关键词]雷公藤属; 化学成分; 含量测定; 主成分分析; 偏最小二乘法; 方差分析; 差异性
, 百拇医药
Studies on difference of chemical compositions in plant
species of Tripterygium genus
CHEN Yilong, LIU Xiang, QU Xianyou, YAO Yuanyuan, LI Na, LIANG Xuming,ZHANG Yuyu, YANG Dajian*, ZHANG Xiaomei*
(Chongqing Academy of Chinese Traditional Materia Medica, Chongqing 400065, China)
[Abstract]We studied the content of chemical compositions and correlation among species of Tripterygium genus by principal component analysis(PCA) and variance analysis(ANOVA), and we also studied the difference among the 3 speciesUsing PF6 ionic liquidbased ultrasonicassisted extraction, we determined the contents of 11 compounds including wilforgine, wilforzine, triptophenolide, wilforine, triptoquinone A, triptolide, tripterin, egallocatechin, epigallocatechin, catechin, and epicatechin in 28 batches of the Tripterygium species by HPLC and PCA Partial least squares analysis (PLS) and ANOVA were also performed to verify the resultsThe analysis results of PCA and PLS showed that three species of Tripterygium genus were clustered into three regions respectively, and triptoquinone A was the important factor which affected the aggregation of these three speciesThere was a significant difference among the contents of 11 chemical components in the three species(P<0000 1)These results indicated that there was a certain correlation between the chemical compositions and the classification of the species, and the difference of the chemical compositions among the three species was obvious In this work, the content determination method is rapid and accurate, and the analysis method is simple and convenient, which provides a reference for the classification, the efficacy and the toxicity of the species
, 百拇医药
[Key words]Tripterygium genus plants; chemical compositions; content determination; principal component analysis; partial least squares analysis; variance analysis; difference
雷公藤屬植物系卫矛科植物,中国雷公藤全属有3个种雷公藤Tripterygium wilfordii Hook、昆明山海棠T hypoglaucum(Levl) Hutch和东北雷公藤T regelii Sprague et Takeda 3个物种[1],作为传统中药材,有着悠久的沿用历史,具有祛风除湿,活血通络,消肿止痛等功效,广泛用于类风湿性关节炎、红斑狼疮等自身免疫性疾病。该属植物在分类学上一直存在一定的争议,修订版《Flora of China》将上述3个种合并为雷公藤T wilfordii [2],刘万水等[3]通过RAPD分析发现雷公藤与昆明山海棠的种间界限模糊,Sue KaYee[4]通过 ITS 和 5S rDNA序列表明雷公藤与昆明山海棠区分不明显;刘超[56]发现雷公藤和昆明山海棠根和叶的代谢产物差异显著,呈地方区域性不同。而在毒性研究[78]结果中同样差异显著,表明其药效物质基础有一定的差异。, http://www.100md.com(陈一龙 刘翔 瞿显友 姚媛媛 励娜 梁旭明 张渝渝 杨大坚 张小梅)